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Main Text Chapter 444 The Cage of Myth

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    On the road ahead, the heavy black snow stopped, and a faint halo appeared on the horizon, like the morning glow breaking through the early morning, representing the initial vitality of all things.  </p>

    Wang Xuan was a little confused, looking behind him, it was dark, the ground and the sky were covered with black snow, oppressive and heavy.  </p>

    And at the end of the mountains in front, it suddenly changed completely, the sacred light shines all over, and the change is so big that it feels very abrupt.  </p>

    He took a step forward, but the not-so-long journey in the middle made him suddenly uncomfortable. This is the "place of absolute magic" and the extraordinary factor suddenly dried up.  </p>

    Moreover, even if there is super matter in the body, it will directly decay here, useless, the accumulation and precipitation in the body seem to be turned into waste matter.  </p>

    "The universe is decaying? It's more serious than this!" Wang Xuan shuddered at the time. This change without warning even shocked him. There was no warning earlier.  </p>

    "Mythical cage?" Even the mobile phone wonder was taken aback.  Its statement is close to reality, because it is not only the failure of supermatter, but also more terrible surprises.  </p>

    &amp;lt;a id=&amp;quot;wzsy&amp;quot; href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href="  ;quot;&amp;gt;&quot;" target="_blank">;quot;&amp;gt;&quot;</a> target=&quot;  _blank&quot;&gt;<a href=";quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/a&gt;" target="_blank">http://m;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/a&gt;</a> "On High" &amp;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;  gt;

    When Wang Xuan stepped back and returned to the land where the black snow fell, the extraordinary factor actually turned into a harmful substance, corroding the body and spirit.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Huh!  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    This time he didn't inhale the extraordinary factor, but blew out the "massive amount" in one breath, and controlled the powerful physical body to spew out from the pores.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    At the level of Wang Xuan, the accumulation in the body is extremely terrifying. When the mythical substance was discharged, it was like a mythical storm, but now it is poisonous, full of harmful substances that erode form and spirit.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Even when he experienced the end of the myth of the mother universe, he has never seen such a terrible change. This is more terrifying than the death of the extraordinary.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Mythological factors become "venomous" trapping supernatural beings.  "What the hell is this place? I have come from the decadent age, and I have changed the big universe. I have never encountered such a thing before." Wang Xuan's physical body was violently shaken, and the light of his spirit was also fluctuating, pouring out all the mythological factors in his body.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Then he felt very weak and extremely tired.  The wonders of the mobile phone are shining fiercely. Obviously, it is also using various means to adapt to this drastic change in the environment.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    After exhausting all the mythological factors, Wang Xuan was really uncomfortable after being unable to use his supernatural powers, and he lost the power to catch the stars and the moon.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    At this moment, he seems to have returned to the decaying early days of the mother universe, to the age when he was the weakest.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Although it is more serious now than it was back then, he did not panic at all, stabilized his mind, and began to communicate with the world behind Mingtu to mobilize those mysterious substances.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    In the past, in the era when the myth of the mother universe was decaying, he was also powerless in the early years, and it was only later that various "source substances" were truly excavated.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Now, he is more cautious, afraid that the special myth factor after his fate will also become a harmful factor, and plans to test one of them first.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    After a moment, he walked forward, then backed up, and his face changed!  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Toxic!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Fortunately, the life soil cuts off everything, only the mysterious factor surging up has deteriorated, eroding the body and spirit.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    His complexion was not good-looking, but he did not give up. After exhausting everything, he tried the second mysterious factor. As a result, his complexion increased by 2!  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Wang Xuan's heart is heavy, the so-called "mythical cage" is so terrifying&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    He didn't speak, but tried one by one, and then the degree of his ugly complexion changed to add 3, add 4, add 5 all the way to add 9, his complexion is almost "mythical nine changes"!  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    &nb"Daughter-in-law" has gone through a road and experienced these. What is the final result?  Unpredictable.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Whether she is in the pedigree or not, she should have moved on," Wang Xuan said.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The mobile phone strange thing nodded and said: "Let's go." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Wang Xuan wanted to give it a rare super substance, but it refused.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I want to experience this dilemma myself to see what happens in the end." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Wang Xuan is speechless. Is it hard to lose face or do you want to experience the process of kissing a daughter?  Unexpectedly do not accept.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    On the road again, this mythical cage is a normal road for Wang Xuan, but the distance of hundreds of miles is within walking distance for him.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "It's such a great ability to make mythological powerhouses prisoners, even absorbing chaotic matter may be targeted." After walking through this place, Wang Xuan looked back.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The mobile phone strange thing said seriously: "Yes, I have a hunch that the vegetation and everything here have been interfered, and there are problems." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Over the mountains in front, the pale golden brilliance flows, very hazy, like the place where the sun rises, where the myth begins, with billions of rays of light, and the soft glow flows, naturally forming a halo, covering that area.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Wang Xuan pierced through this layer of soft light, looking sacred here, but he felt that something was wrong inside.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    There is a mythical substance here, but after he tried to absorb it, he felt unable to adapt for a short time, and it was very unfriendly to the body and spirit.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    However, it cannot be said that it is "venomous", it is just disorder, disorder, uncontrollable, and difficult to use.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The front is full of vitality, dense vegetation, unknown sacred trees, and various plants that have never been seen before, and inexplicable aliens are spying.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    As soon as Wang Xuan came in, he sensed the gaze of the extraordinary creature.  What I saw in front of me was a fiery red jungle where monsters were approaching.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    And, the strange object of the mobile phone found a huge copper bump on the edge, which was irregular in shape, and its screen was flickering violently, as if it was agitated and extremely angry.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Daluo Tongmu?" Wang Xuan was surprised. This is one of the auxiliary materials for refining prohibited items. The copper bumps are as big as a hill and are more than 100 meters high.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    This is not the point. On the copper lump, there are clear palm prints, slender, with blood, which should not be real blood, but the reserved Dao rhyme wonder.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Is it the bloody palm print left by her?" Wang Xuan asked.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "Yes, help me kill the monsters here!" the mobile phone growled, and it had an ominous premonition.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Has come to the final zone, but here is affected by the mythical cage, there is a high possibility that something happened to that woman!  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Wang Xuan comforted: "Don't worry, she can leave a clear palm print on Daluo Tongmu, which shows that her physical strength is very strong, maybe it is enough to protect herself." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "But here are her armor fragments." &amp;lt;/p&gt;

    On the huge copper lump, there is a fragment of a carapaceous stomach, and there are traces of being pierced by a sharp weapon.  There was a long and shrill howl, and a group of monsters rushed out of the fiery red jungle. Their bodies, bird heads, and their bodies were all golden, and they held red spears in their hands.  At first, Wang Xuan felt that they appeared like Dao rhymes, but they also had flesh and blood. This feeling is very strange.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt
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