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Main Text Chapter 370: The End of the Myth

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    The strange thing on the phone glowed with a faint black light, very profound, and said: "I haven't seen the opportunity to break the limit five times, and you start to think so far, isn't your heart too big?" "Is there really?"  Xuan asked because it had never been mentioned before.  This made him feel strange. He thought that although he was under pressure to break the limit 6 times, the problem was not extremely serious.

    It should be resolved.  After all, in the mother universe, in other great realms,

    ? For example, he has done it in the world, wandering in a leisurely way, and keeping in good health.  "No!" The mobile phone strange thing gave a negative response.

    Wang Xuan was in a daze, didn't he?  He felt something was wrong early on because it hadn't been mentioned.  "Why not?"

    The mobile phone is not full of wonders, what is the time limit?

    The quality inspector is gone!

    It said in a deep voice: "Breakthrough is to open up an unknown new field after a realm has come to an end. Once a limit is broken, it is a pioneering. When it comes to the fourth time, theoretically speaking, it belongs to the most cutting-edge no-man's land."  field."

    As for the fifth time, it is very difficult to achieve. It is triggered by various internal and external factors, as well as unexpected factors, and it is beyond the scope of the orthodox extraordinary theory.  "Breaking the limit 5 times is a bit idealistic, it can be done,

    But there is no system support.  "The mobile phone wonder thing sighed.

    Wang Xuan was speechless for a moment, the myth is very idealistic,

    ? When it comes to the realm of the primordial spirit, interfering with reality with the spirit, do you still want to talk about materialism?  !  "The idealism I'm talking about is relatively speaking, even for the extraordinary, it is absurd and belongs to the incomprehensible field."

    Explanation of mobile phone wonders.

    "So, breaking the limit 5 times belongs to a taboo place, and it is the end of the myth!" The strange thing on the phone repeatedly emphasized, telling him the answer clearly, there is no such thing as breaking the limit 6 times.

    "Has no one tried hard to break through the end of the myth?" Wang Xuan persevered and asked the bottom line.

    "Am I delusional, or are you delusional?" The mobile phone wonderer thinks that he is about to become an asshole, so what is there to ask?

    Wang Xuan said: "I just want to know clearly, if I break the limit six times, will something happen? Is there a similar legend in history?"

    The mobile phone strange thing is understood, he is really confident!

    Not even once, he was thinking about the various impacts of breaking the limit six times and six times.  "When you swell to a certain extent, it's like hearing the name of a fairy, but you don't recognize it. You just think about what will happen to your child in a few years!" Even it couldn't help but ridicule.  "You will see later." Wang Xuan said.

    "Someone has tried hard." The mobile phone strange thing told him that there is indeed such a very special person who broke the limit 5 times and received full support from the dojo.  "What happened in the end?"

    The mobile phone strange thing said: "From the old universe to the new universe, after 30,000 years, I saw old friends, friends who cherished each other, and those who broke the limit four times, and became different people one after another. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore.  , Many years later, I still choose to break through and enter the heavenly realm in the new universe."

    Wang Xuan sighed: "This is a ruthless person. The real immortal Gai Dai of the 5th Broken Realm has practiced hard for 30,000 years and has remained motionless. What are you trying to do if he persists for so long? His ambition is really strong."

    The strange thing on the phone said: "He got the support of the true sage behind him, and wanted to see if he could really break the limit six times in the end. Unfortunately, it took 30,000 years to prove that after the end of the myth, there is indeed a dead silence and nothingness." "This  What happened to a true immortal?" Wang Xuan asked, the foundation of more than 30,000 years is too different, and it has accumulated to a perverted level.

    "Late blooming, standing in the realm of aliens." The strange thing on the phone told me flatly.

    Breaking the limit 5 times, the talent of a true sage, and finally becoming a stranger, it is a bit ironic to comment on the late bloomer. After so long, he has not become a true sage?

    The mobile phone strange thing said calmly: "The talent of a true sage just has the hope of becoming the supreme creature, and it doesn't mean that he can definitely reach that height."

    Most of the true saints are achieved by people who walk the ordinary road.  Wang Xuan nodded and didn't say much. After the end of the myth, there will be no one who breaks the limit 6 times. This is the consensus of the extraordinary center world, which has been sorted out and approved by the true sage.

    He was a little curious as to what was so special about the woman who had never forgotten the strange thing on her phone and was still brooding about it. Then he was rude and asked if he didn't understand.

    "She is very good. She broke the limit 5 times very early.

    Stronger than other people with the talent of true saints, quite powerful.  "

    The strange thing on the phone emits a hazy light, and a blurry black and white photo of a young girl appears on the screen, with a kind of hazy beauty. Sure enough, it has a deep memory of her, and it can directly call out the photo.  "When she became a fairy, her physical body was not destroyed, and it was hard to break when struck by lightning. She achieved the original fairy body."

    Wang Xuan was moved, this is meeting someone of the same kind, it is indeed extremely extraordinary, rare in the worldThe great medicine under the permafrost cannot be boiled in an ordinary pot.  "Finally, Wang Xuan went to the edge of Transcendent Light Sea,

    When I met the cook again, I borrowed a pitch-black pot.  The cook looked at him, sighed a little, and said to take care, according to what he said, this pot did not know how many young and promising talents were sent away, and I couldn't remember.

    When Wang Xuan heard about it, he almost pinned the pot on the mobile phone.

    In the end, the mobile phone led the way and took Wang Xuan to hell.  Most of the roads leading to hell are in other places, and all the major true saints have their own secret roads.  Also, there are two in the Sea of ??Origins.

    And in the depths of the universe, there are a few in the barren areas. Although they are extremely remote and far away, if you want to go, there must be a way to go.

    This is an extremely dark area with sparse starlight, which belongs to the faint light from the deep space far away.

    There seems to be no stars here, it is absolutely quiet and deadly still, and as we move forward, the fog is thicker, and you can't see your fingers.

    On the road to hell, the atmosphere is really not too bad. Wang Xuan is on guard and proceeds cautiously.

    This time, he didn't use Kong Xuan's face or Monkey King's identity for the time being, because he was afraid that he would become a public enemy in hell.

    At this moment, his face was somewhat similar to that of his real body.  "It's almost here, are you ready?" The phone wonder asked him.

    "So soon, hell is in the barren land of the universe?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

    "What are you thinking? If you fly over, you won't be able to reach it in many lifetimes. It's so far away that you'll be mentally numb. It probably won't be able to catch up. It's so far away that you'll be mentally numb. It's probably out of the realm of the extraordinary center. There's a passage here."  , is a shortcut." The mobile phone strange thing said.

    Deep in the fog, a hazy silver light emerged and swirled there.

    "This is the eye of the vortex in deep space." The strange thing on the mobile phone informed that this place, like the two sea eyes in the Sea of ??Origin, is connected to hell.

    Wang Xuan was startled, the two roads originating from the sea are actually two sea eyes?

    "Let's go, it's time to go to hell." The strange thing on the phone told him, don't waste time, there will occasionally be unknown creatures wandering around the eye of the deep space vortex, don't be targeted.

    Wang Xuan nodded, and with a strange mobile phone, he jumped into the silver vortex, rippling a sacred ripple in the thick fog, and disappeared in an instant.  What I saw along the way was bizarre, and the silver passage was like a river, rushing forward, traveling at a very fast speed.

    He seems to have seen all parts of the extraordinary center on the "shore",

    It's like seeing the mythical and decaying outer universe, and the adjacent universe with the extraordinary flames.

    There are living beings who are fighting for the crossing and dying on the way, and some beings approaching the superhuman central universe, but they are exhausted, and the fire of the primordial spirit is about to be permanently extinguished.  The light is about to go out permanently.  Even, in a trance, he seemed to see an extremely distant place, a bit like a lonely mother universe, flashing past.  This kind of experience is a bit strange, Wang Xuan sighed lightly, the path of transcendence is not easy for all living beings, especially people from outer universes, if they can't keep up with one step, they may never be able to get close to the central world of transcendence.

    The mobile phone strange thing said: "What you see with your eyes may not be true. The eye of the deep space vortex can sometimes present some strange scenes according to your thoughts, some of which are believable.

    Just ignore some.  "

    Wang Xuan was surprised and nodded, no matter whether it is true or false, it has no essential influence on him.

    ?It seems that hundreds of years have passed, and it is like a snap of the fingers,

    The passage of time here is very chaotic, making it hard to tell.

    Relying on his instinct, Wang Xuan thought that not long ago, the road ahead had come to an end, and the silver vortex was no longer turning.

    The snow-white river has come to an end.

    With a bang, he rushed out and formally entered hell.

    "Hiss!" He was stunned. Is this hell?  It was completely different from what he had imagined, and he never expected it to be like this anyway.
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