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Main Text Chapter 134: The Blood-Stained Edict of Opening Heaven

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    Wang Xuan seemed to be in the scene, his hair stood on end, what kind of paper is this, it is so severely damaged, it can still easily split those huge stars when traveling through the starry sky.

    Then, what force crushed it?

    "It is said that it is a decree." Su Tong spoke with an unprecedented solemn expression.

    "They also performed these scenes in Zixiao Palace." Ling Xuan nodded.

    "It seems to be a decree to dispatch troops and ask for help. It may be calling the old department, or it may be asking for help from the existence of the same level, but it was blocked along the way."

    Su Tong said, this is what the visitors from outside the territory said, and an old man in the lead demonstrated these old scenes.

    Then, Su Tong used his spiritual imprint to cross some strange scenes, still blurred, it was a mottled sea of ??stars, with the dim light of time.

    After the decree was shattered, a small piece of it landed in this star field, then dimmed, no longer split the planet, and slid down to the vicinity of Haichuan Star.

    Then, the clean air rises and the turbid air descends, as if the heaven and the earth are being opened up. That piece of decree is attached to Haichuan star, and a large cave is formed.

    "The extraordinary world we live in is just a tattered decree, born from a broken piece?" Wang Xuan was shocked.

    This time, he was not acting, but was really surprised. What kind of power is that?

    Now this large cave is simply a low-profile version of a large barrier, with a vast territory, which is larger than the combined area of ??many Haichuan stars.

    If it is upgraded again, it will be a fairyland!

    Ling Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, a small piece of the decree for help was burst and lost here, creating a vibrant, magnificent and boundless extraordinary pure land."

    "To be investigating such a thing, what are the identities of those visitors from outside the territory?" Wang Xuan asked, he was quite surprised, this incident had a great impact.

    "I don't know, but I guess, it may be someone sent by the 'co-lord' in the deep space." Su Tong said.

    He believes that ordinary people would never dare to set foot in that grand old scene and the terrifying power of the decree.

    "The co-owner is?" Wang Xuan asked, his heart was not peaceful, and he really wanted to know.

    Su Tong shook his head: "I don't know, it should be in the depths of our star field, but I have never left Haichuan Star. I teach that there are only true immortals who stay in this world and have connections with outside the field."

    "I don't know either. Regarding the extraterritorial, the real immortals of my Zixiao Palace seldom mention it. I only know that if the co-lord has an order, he must obey it."

    Su Tong said: "I told you this and showed the antecedents. I just want you to understand that this large cave is not peaceful and may be dangerous. As a friend, I advise you to leave as soon as possible and enter Haichuan Star."  For good."

    "Is it so serious?" Wang Xuan was moved.

    Su Tong nodded: "Yes, all the true immortals I teach who are stranded in the world have been born, as if they were being forced, and they are quite resistant. If this matter is not handled properly, the consequences will be very serious, and there will be bloodshed and great turmoil!"

    Ling Xuan said: "I am also surprised, the faces of the elders at the level of true immortals are very gloomy, and they are unwilling to accept it."

    The Linghu Lake in Kaiming City has a beautiful scenery. In the lake, there are jiao girls coming out of the water, with a dragon body and a human head hovering in the clouds and mists, and even clam fairies floating out of the water to dance and sing.

    It is elegant but not vulgar, but none of the three have the heart to appreciate it.

    Soon, Su Tong received a secret letter. It was a piece of paper crane, which turned into a streak of light, flew to his eyes at a high speed, and then burned up. There was a message from the spirit, and some scenes were also performed.

    "The true immortals in the sect, let me wait for the true disciples to leave the cave first, and if there are changes, they are not allowed to return." Su Tong turned pale. Is there going to be a big change in the sect?

    Soon, he went out and rushed to the Longevity Sect stronghold in Kaiming City to learn more about the situation.

    Meanwhile, Ling Xuan also left and received the message.

    It wasn't until half an hour later that they came back one after another.

    "Too much deceit!" Su Tong was angry and his face was ugly.

    This time, it was Ling Xuan's turn to use the spiritual imprint to perform the spectacle. When the shattered decree fragments evolved into the cave, a ray of blood was transpired.

    It is normal that the originally damaged decree is stained with blood.

    It's just that the blood energy turned into a magnificent secret realm outside the sky, and the texture rules contained in the blood energy actually deduced a heavenly book.

    "The first part of the forbidden book, how did it come about?!" Wang Xuan was surprised.

    He immediately understood how terrifying the master of the decree was, it was really unfathomable.

    "How many years ago did the blood-stained broken decree cross the Xinghai?" Wang Xuan couldn't help asking.??.

    "It's not a matter of this era. The specific age has long been impossible to verify."

    "At that time, this universe was just a universe where myths came and went, and it was far from becoming a supernatural center."

    Wang Xuan was fascinated by the words of Su Tong and Ling Xuan.

    Su Tong said angrily: "This time, they have gone too far. No wonder the real immortals in this world don't agree. It's fine for visitors from outside the region to ask for "The First Chapter of the Prohibition".  Dissolve the fragments of the decree."

    When Wang Xuan heard about it, he also felt that these people were too ruthless. Want to beat this large cave back to its original shape?  But what about the monks and ordinary people inside, this is the extraordinary world home they depend on for survival.

    Fairy Lingxuan also had a heavy heart, and said: "Besides, I, the true immortal of Zixiao Palace, have confirmed that this group of people was not sent by the co-lord clan."

    Wang Xuan was dissatisfied when he heard about it. He hadn't got the full version of the first chapter of the forbidden book, but someone came to cut him off, and wanted to take away the scriptures?

    At the same time, he is also extremely fearful, daring to pursue the blood-stained decree's forces, it is absolutely terrifying.

    This kind of people and forces, the high-ranking ones either did not die back then and have lived to this day, or the latecomers inherited and obtained one of the orthodoxy.

    This is not a good thing, he decided not to be so leisurely, and has to hurry up and get the first part of the forbidden.

    On that day, there was some undercurrents in this world where the extraordinary lived. Some people got the news and began to prepare to leave the cave.

    The Four Great Religions, their True Immortals are indeed very powerful, but they are definitely not an order of magnitude compared to the outsiders who dare to investigate this matter.

    Although the head of the foreign visitors is also a true immortal, everyone knows that there must be a very terrifying behemoth behind them.

    Su Tong and Ling Xuan didn't leave immediately, and they didn't want to abandon their school like this.

    That night, Wang Xuan took action, wearing the first killing array map, using it to cover up the secret side and his own aura, he approached the four major sects, and then went to spy on the group of foreign visitors.

    "Fellow daoist, we can give you the first chapter of the forbidden book, but it is very difficult for us to agree to refine this world and return it to the fragmented state of the law. Where will the hundreds of millions of living beings living here go?"  A real fairy is speaking.

    He stood outside the Longevity Sect, and did not allow outsiders to enter the mountain gate this time.

    Behind him, the long life is steaming, one after another majestic mountains are shrouded in fairy mist, and there are fairy mansions on the top of the mountains.

    An old man from outside the territory said: "We can take a step back, only trace the text on the decree, and only extract some of its original power. This place will not collapse. At most, it will be the result of the earth dragon turning over, and there will be an earthquake. ?
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