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Main text Chapter 240 Make up for shortcomings

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    Wang Xuan sent out some invitations, wanting to arrange a longevity banquet to provide food and supplements for the old men, so as to quickly solve some problems. The important thing is to be able to quickly arm himself!

    He had a very strong sense of crisis. He always felt that Lie Xian was getting closer and closer to him, as if he had seen their vague and terrifying figures.

    The real fairy behind the scenes is not sacred to him, but terrifying, and it will kill him at every turn!

    Besides, I don't know if there are any creatures from Cuman star behind that bird, so I have to be on guard.

    As for the threat of the super chaebol, it is always there and never far away.

    "When can I become an Earth Immortal?" He said to himself, when that time really came, he might be able to calm down a lot.

    At that time, maybe he will start hunting all kinds of true immortals who have just embarked on their return journey and have fallen from their original realm!

    "Since the damage is to be shared, the Sun family is absolutely indispensable. Give them a place. Is this a generous gesture of my kindness? I have given each other a chance to ease."

    Wang Xuan also sent the Zhang Yanshou post to the Sun family, not being euphemistic, and directly told him that if he wanted to come, he had to bring his own scriptures and rare treasures, and they would exchange them at equal value.

    The Sun family's pre-Qin golden bamboo slips are definitely useless in the near future, and he can only get them one day, and it is impossible for the other party to take the initiative to capitalize on the enemy.

    Before the longevity banquet started, Wang Xuan selected the essence of extraordinary flesh and blood and gave it to acquaintances, and solemnly told him to supplement quietly without making a fuss, because there is a big cause and effect in it.

    This list naturally includes Professor Lin, Qin Cheng, Zhou Yun, Zhong Qing, Zhong Cheng and others.

    Contrary to his expectations, the old men who received the invitations were not enthusiastic. There were various reasons and excuses, and few of them confirmed their attendance.

    What's happening?  Wang Xuan is puzzled, are they not enthusiastic about life extension?

    Zhong Qing informed: "Things are rare and valuable. They think that the process of 'casting spells' on such a large scale will probably be very rough. Who are these people? They live extremely delicately, and they don't want to have any flaws or imperfections."

    Then, she added: "Especially knowing that you have also sent invitations to the Sun family, I feel more and more that the life extension this time does not have high gold content."

    Wang Xuan was in a daze, and finally sighed: "What you can't get is always restless, and what you don't get will not be cherished. You need hunger marketing. The ancients never deceived me!"

    In the end, there were only five people who were determined to come, and Song Yun was the most active and guaranteed to come.  Qin Hongyuan's physical functions are constantly improving, and he can't wait to continue to strengthen his experience.  Qian An is an old customer, and he is helping to advertise and lending a house to Wang Xuan, so I am embarrassed to ask him to pay again.

    Then there is Zhong Qing's second grandfather. He knows the inside story, and he is naturally relieved to learn that his grandchildren have enjoyed delicacies and food supplements.

    In the end it was the Sun family, and Sun Rongsheng agreed to come over in person.

    Other old menall looking for excuses to release Wang Xuan's pigeons!

    In the Hall of Health Preservation, a group of men and women came again, insisting on apprenticeship and learning swordsmanship with Wang Xuan.

    Wang Xuan did not refuse, and told them that he would introduce a famous teacher to everyone. He had learned old skills from this person earlier, and he had come to where he is today.

    Professor Lin was invited, and it is more than enough to teach them. Now that his old injuries are gone, his strength is not only recovering, but also improving rapidly!

    Wang Xuan became the shopkeeper, turned around and left.

    "Master!" That electric-eyed beauty, Zhong Qing's best friend, quickly blocked the way, and was firing again.

    Wang Xuan almost sacrificed the flying sword directly, and secretly measured the distance between them with the dagger. Recently, he temporarily treats anyone who dares to approach him abruptly as a demon possessed, and strictly guards against them.

    Fortunately, Zhong Qing came and dragged him away.

    ? Wang Xuan told a group of people who had done the apprenticeship ceremony to go back to their homes. In the future, he and Professor Lin will teach online to solve all problems.

    "Master Sword Immortal is too coldhe doesn't communicate with us very much." Someone complained.

    "It is estimated that he is under pressure now and is thinking about how to fight against the Sun family. The collision between Chaofan and the battleship has not yet ended, and this is just the beginning!"

    Wang Xuan did not perfuse them. He had read too many scriptures in the Taoist temple of Qian'an's manor, and most of the apprenticeship rites of these people were classics.

    He selected the best among the best and arranged practice courses for them. Whether anyone can rise up depends on them.

    As for the slate scriptures, the five-page gold book, the Sakyamuni Sutra, etc., sorry, these are definitely not for them

    Two days later, Qin Hongyuan, Qian An, Zhong Changming, Sun Rongsheng, and Song Yun came.

    Qin Hongyuan brought three pages of gold leaf paper,?Mysterious patterns are intertwined together, and finally there are pictures of gods, birds and animals that resonate and appear together.

    Wang Xuan was moved, this small boat was by no means an ordinary treasure, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it, he wanted to drive it right away, and went to the Sun family to check it out!

    In the end, he just tried it in the Su River, and he was very satisfied!

    Undoubtedly, he made up for the most serious shortcoming!

    "Low-key, this kind of hole card can't be exposed. In troubled times, all kinds of ghosts and snakes have come out, and there will be chaos soon." Wang Xuan reminded himself.

    Song Yun and Qin Hongyuan, two old men in their nineties, lived younger and younger. After attending the longevity banquet, they were consolidated. The effect was so obvious that other old men regretted it after inquiring about the details.

    Some people expressed that they would like to visit the Hall of Health in the near future.

    Wang Xuan declined, because he was running out of time, and in five days it was time to go to Yuanchi Mountain to participate in the Zhilan Puja. No matter whether he went or not, he had to prepare various plans first.

    Zhong Cheng contacted Wang Xuan, he hesitated, a little embarrassed, and told Wang Xuan that his second grandfather was very dissatisfied with the last life extension, and wanted to ask Wang Xuan to help him again. What exactly is needed can be discussed in advance, and Zhong Changming will go  Prepare.

    "Your second grandfather is too shrewd. Of course it's hard to get anything if you don't give up. I practice equivalent exchange here." Wang Xuan said, and told him that he will travel a long distance in the near future, and he doesn't know if he will come alive.

    "Old Wang, don't be impulsive, don't kill the Sun family in a suicidal manner, calm down!" Zhong Cheng was shocked, obviously he misunderstood.

    After Zhong Changming learned about it, his face suddenly changed, and Zhong Cheng must ask Wang Xuan to come to Kuncheng before the long trip to make him satisfied.

    "It's okay to go to Kuncheng temporarily, but can your second grandfather show me the golden bamboo slips from the pre-Qin period?" Wang Xuan asked.

    Zhong Cheng exclaimed: "Okay, old Wang, my sister really hit the mark. If you think about our family's supreme scriptures again, do you still miss my family's five-color jade book?"

    Wang Xuan said: "This is out of the question, you are still missing half of my scriptures and half of your sister's photobook!"

    Zhong Cheng's face was turning green, because his sister was eavesdropping not far away!

    "Zhong Cheng!" Zhong Qing's scream came from the other end of the phone, apparently out of anger, and then Zhong Cheng's scream came.

    Zhong Cheng's ghostly crying and wolf howling were too harsh, Wang Xuan held the phone a little farther away, and waited until the other side was quiet before speaking: "Equivalent exchange, the golden bamboo slips from the pre-Qin period can renew your second grandfather's life for fifteen years, and can let Zhong Cheng and your three  Stepping into Chaos within one year can also make your sister step into Chaos in three years, and she can also beautify and become a big clock!"

    "I cantranscendence, become Zhong Jianxian in three years, is it true or not?!" Zhong Cheng was shocked, with fire beating in his eyes, he seemed to be a lot closer to his dream of flying with a sword and cutting a battleship with a sword.

    Wang Xuan was indeed determined to get the golden bamboo slips from the pre-Qin period. Sooner or later he would get the one from the Sun family, and he would like to exchange the copy from the Zhong family.

    "Wang Xuan!" Zhong Qing's voice came from the other end of the phone, raising her voice.

    "You guys study it, don't rush to get back to me." Wang Xuan hung up the phone.

    "Sister, while your grandfather is sleeping, you can enter his study again, do you want to" Zhong Cheng's eyes were extraordinarily bright, and he added: "Old Wang is actually really good, and he has great potential. How about you?  It's not too old Ouch, oh! ?
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