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Text New Chapter 523 The real world seen from 6 different perspectives

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    (The name of Lu Yun was wrongly spelled in some places in the previous chapter, which has been corrected.)

    A big pig's hoof, in the truncated world section, glows in the dark.

    This is not the pig's trotter soup that ladies cook for beauty, nor is it braised pig's trotters in braised sauce, but the extremely thick pig's legs and trotters, covered with black hair.

    It was bloody, its tendons were thick, and it crushed a planet with one hoof. The thick black pig hairs looked like straight black iron towers one after another.

    This is just a corner of the whole scene. Farther away, the black horn of an unknown creature is hundreds of thousands of miles long, and it is stained with blood.

    Farther away, there are clusters of flames, all of which use the bones of the sky as firewood. No matter how you look at it, they are all skeletons above the sky level piled up into mountains.

    This kind of scene made Wang Xuan feel a sense of chill, there is not even a real fairy bone, the bones of the sky form a mountain, and they are ignited into a fire.

    How many extraordinary masters died here?

    Among them, there are many broken bones of strangers.

    At this time, when the light of Lu Po's mind spreads over, the front of the world section is no longer dark, it becomes hazy, and everything can be seen.

    Pool after pool of blood turned into a bewitching red lotus form, dotted in the void, seemingly prosperous, but actually quite miserable.

    The red lotus glowed and became a group of lanterns, hanging all the way to the dark opposite bank, which was a bit scary.

    In addition, there are some buildings in the distance, which are not in the style of pavilions and palaces, but more like modern buildings, but they have obviously gone through endless years.

    Wang Xuan opened his spiritual eyes, and the light of his mind expanded. He was stunned when he saw some broken buildings. There were many bottles and jars, which seemed to be reagent bottles, much like a laboratory.

    He looked at the people around him and observed their expressions. It really didn't look like a sheep costume, but he really couldn't see those scenes.

    Wang Xuan was in a trance, such a magnificent scene was in front of him, but Li Hongchen and Qiheng turned a blind eye, only he could see it?

    Lu Yun, the real extreme limit breaker, felt that strands of colorful spiritual light flowed from her white forehead, as if she had captured a little wonder.

    Still the same as before, I saw the blush of Mohu, suspected to be two rows of red lanterns hanging, illuminating the dim road ahead, leading to the depths of darkness.  Lu Yun said.

    She frowned and said: Although I can't see it clearly, I can build a complete scene by myself. Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible. The bleak blood-colored lantern has existed in the 17th century. It is silent and guides the latecomers to the unknown abyss!

    It's okay if she doesn't mention it, such an explanation really makes people feel creepy.

    Wang Xuan said in his heart, if he told her, it would be puddles of blood, and the desolation of the scene would probably be even higher.

    Sister Lu, it's really sacred and extraordinary. You can see some wonders in this kind of place.  Hell 5 Breaks Immortal Calendar Hongchen sighed.

    Lu Yun shook her head and said: "The former sages once said that I have seen black horns hundreds of thousands of miles long and broken eyeballs the size of stars, but I have never seen them.

    Lu Renjia, what did you see?  She turned to ask Wang Xuan.

    The blood lantern, the faint sense of oppression, and some unclear luminous objects are really hard to see.  Wang Xuan responded without saying anything, who knows if she is probing.  Lu Yun nodded, and said: Well, I have seen the luminous object you mentioned, it is a little gleam, and the former sages said that it is a bonfire.

    Wang Xuan didn't say a word. Where is the bonfire? It's countless sky bones piled up together to form a mountain and burning.

    What else did you see?  Lu Yun asked.

    There are indeed some things, but they are very vague. The more you explore, the more you want to see them clearly, the more unobtainable they are, and the spirit is very tired.  Wang Xuan said.

    He was sure that Lu Yun was indeed testing him.

    Brother Lu, you are really amazing, you can feel it when you first come, you are worthy of breaking the limit!  Li Hongchen said.

    Wang Xuan was humble, and then changed the subject, asking who are the former sages and what have they seen?

    Naturally refers to the ultimate limit breaker, and the legends about this place and the past are all passed down from their mouths.  The robot Qi Yuan said.

    Wang Xuan, Li Hongchen, and Qi Yuan actively discussed and asked for advice, what the sages saw and heard here, and all kinds of weird things.

    He didn't give Lu Yun a chance to ask again, and then he grasped the general situation here first.

    The former sages have seen some giants, such as black unicorns, pale palms hundreds of thousands of miles long, etc.

    But the ultimate limit breaker alsobsp; Even, with the deepening, the area ahead is a bit dark.

    And in some huge laboratories, in some metal buildings, and on some high towers made of special materials, in a small number of rooms, there are lights flickering, on and off, which is quite eerie.

    Wang Xuan was exploring, and when he passed a dark and lightless building, a pale face suddenly appeared in the open window, looking out, looking at him silently.

    I, hiss!  He swallowed a cold breath, it was so sudden that he didn't even sense it in advance, even the superhuman was shocked.

    He had been told a long time ago that the place was lifeless and there were no living things.

    But now, he met a living creature!

    Why haven't you left yet?  The pale man, without a trace of blood, asked him in the dark room.

    This is a strange mental fluctuation, not real words, and he can understand it.

    Go right now.  Wang Xuan also responded with spiritual voice transmission, and then he really turned around and left.

    He felt that in the darkness behind, that pale face was still at the window, not moving a bit, still staring at his back.

    He really wanted to ask Lu Yun and Qi Yuan if the news was reliable?

    This is called no life?  Now he's being targeted!

    Of course, they might say, that's the dead.

    He walked away quickly in silence.

    If he thinks about it, he can understand it, perhaps because he has 6-point perception and a unique perspective, so he sees things that no one else can see.

    He approached the sparse red lantern area, not wanting to be in the dark


    A laboratory made of silver composite materials, some rooms still have lights, not far away, but Wang Xuan immediately found something wrong when he approached.

    The so-called light was pale, similar to the face of the man in the darkness just now.

    Someone?  I??!  He was moved.

    In the room with lights on, several figures turned their heads at the same time and looked at him.

    Why are you still not leaving?  It was these words again, and the people in the room uttered their voices, all staring at him.

    Under the pale light, their faces were very clear. They were definitely not in a normal state, as if they had been bloated by the lake water, without any blood color, and were frighteningly white.

    At the same time, their eyeballs were rotten, but they were still staring at Wang Xuan.

    If you don't leave, it will be too late, and all extraordinary people will die.  One person spoke, still in a dead tone, as if urging him.

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