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despicable doctor

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category Proseauthor BeiMingShenSistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 157125 Wordslatest update 2023-09-04
total hits 34Month hits 2Week hits 2
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despicable doctorBrief introduction:

Provide free full-text reading service of the latest chapters of the author (Shensi Beiming): "The Despicable Doctor"  Witchcraft, official power, gangsters, rebirth, time travel, self-cultivation, vampires and other incredible things have appeared in life.  ..He said: "I am a very upright and kind-hearted citizen. Being despicable is not my nature, and becoming a god is not my pursuit. This is all forced by fate. I was 'forced', so people call me - despicable  God of medicine!"

      Keywords:despicable doctor BeiMingShenSi despicable doctorRead the full text despicable doctorTXT download

      despicable doctorlatest chapter:Chapter 52, Have you eaten yet?

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