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midnight poppy

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category Proseauthor QuanBingRestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 508531 Wordslatest update 2023-09-03
total hits 21Month hits 2Week hits 0
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midnight poppyBrief introduction:

The author (Quan Bingruo)'s classic novel: "Midnight Poppy" latest chapter full text reading service is provided for free.  In the novel, they are all debauched escorts who love money.  But she also saw their truest side.  Jiajia, who is upright, joins the nightclub to work for her boyfriend's tuition, but is rejected by her boyfriend.  Changing men is like changing clothes, the hostess Fei Er, who seems to care nothing about Fei Er, but will give up everything for family affection.  Xiao Yi, who looks like a good girl, is innocent and dreamy.  And Yun Xi who is willing to give everything for their family, what will the story between them be like?

      Keywords:midnight poppy QuanBingRe midnight poppyRead the full text midnight poppyTXT download

      midnight poppylatest chapter:Chapter Twenty-Three

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