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Luotang Phoenix

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category Proseauthor ZhongShanJunShoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 142145 Wordslatest update 2023-09-02
total hits 31Month hits 0Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Luotang PhoenixBrief introduction:

Provide free reading service for the full text of the latest chapters of the author's (Junshou Zhongshan): "Phoenix in the Fallen Tang Dynasty". This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up advertisements. Welcome to ()  Courage and perseverance, the family situation had to face life. Unexpectedly, he met his favorite person by accident, and embarked on the road of self-examination with the encouragement of the other party.  The more perfect the life, the more material support is needed, the happier the family and career, the more mutual encouragement and management are needed from two people, we are on the way...

      Keywords:Luotang Phoenix ZhongShanJunShou Luotang PhoenixRead the full text Luotang PhoenixTXT download

      Luotang Phoenixlatest chapter:Chapter 37: Changing Dressings——Put yourself in the shoes of others

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