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speak alone

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category Proseauthor ZiYanZiYuDeYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 520667 Wordslatest update 2023-09-03
total hits 22Month hits 0Week hits 0
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speak aloneBrief introduction:

Provide free full-text reading service of the latest chapter of the author (A Fish Talking to Itself): "Speaking Alone" latest chapter. This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up advertisements.  ---Hugo Our rustling leaves all respond to the wind and rain, who are you, so silent?  ---Tagore People who are not familiar with you think you are a silent and shy person, and people who are acquainted with you think you are a taciturn person.  You said, in fact, you are a nagging person.  You said everything you had to say, many times, many times.  It's just that no one heard it.  You say it over and over to this or that person in a space where only you are talking, never getting a response.  In this world of thousands of words, you are silent.

      Keywords:speak alone ZiYanZiYuDeYu speak aloneRead the full text speak aloneTXT download

      speak alonelatest chapter:Chapter 229

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