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wizard era

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category Fantasyauthor ZhenDeLaoLangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 0 Wordslatest update 2023-09-03
total hits 7Month hits 0Week hits 0
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wizard eraBrief introduction:

The classic novel of the author (Real Old Wolf) is provided free of charge: the latest chapter full-text reading service of "The Age of the Wizard". This site is updated in a timely manner and has no pop-up ads. Welcome to () to read the novel: The young man who broke into the Wizarding Continent with a biological auxiliary chip  The boy, relying on the advantage of knowledge, has prospered in the other world.  Here is a world of fantasy and weird wizards, here is a world of gods where powerful men gather, here is a dragon plane that looks down on all living beings, here is a rumbling empire of goblins, and of course, there are more bizarre and fantasy worlds here.  A strange world... Since then, the multiverse has reached an inflection point here, and a new history extends here, the Wizarding Era!

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