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hero prison

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category Comicsauthor HuangHuaYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 282591 Wordslatest update 2023-10-09
total hits 51Month hits 2Week hits 1
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hero prisonBrief introduction:

Provide author (Huang Huayi)'s classic novel: "Heroes Prison" latest chapter full text reading service for free.  hell.  Rose Prison, the number one prison in the real world!  The world's top criminals are held here. Business elites, political giants, super hackers, and even nuclear weapons experts can be found here. What will happen if you lead such a group of people into the virtual world?  Hero prison, the first prison in the virtual world!  Here are the most legendary heroes and monsters, doomsday messengers, ancient demon emperors, troll chiefs, bounty hunters, and even powerful gods!  How powerful would it be to carry such a prison with you?  In fact, the world is a prison, want to get real freedom

      Keywords:hero prison HuangHuaYi hero prisonRead the full text hero prisonTXT download

      hero prisonlatest chapter:Chapter 1772: Past skills shine!

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