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eldest son

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category Romanceauthor GuanErwrstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2229327 Wordslatest update 2023-10-09
total hits 29Month hits 0Week hits 0
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eldest sonBrief introduction:

The author (Wan Er wr)'s classic novel: "Long Di" latest chapter full-text reading service is provided for free, this site is updated in a timely manner, there are no pop-up advertisements, welcome to () to watch the novel: Xie Shimou, it is the luck of the Fu family for a hundred years  .  What Fu Houye planned was a future of power.  In the dream, she was a loser who was lost in the game, her mother committed suicide, and she was hastily married to the poor boy of the Lu family who was famous all over the world, but she died hastily in her prime.  When she woke up with her eyes open and sneered, you should all repent!

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