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Tyrant Martial Soul

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category Fantasyauthor QianLiMuChenstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 37670055 Wordslatest update 2023-10-24
total hits 40Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Tyrant Martial SoulBrief introduction:

He is a beggar with mediocre qualifications and humble background.  Relying on the spirit of perseverance and unwillingness to be mediocre, he practiced desperately.  By chance, he awakened the ancient martial spirit that had long been extinct in this world, and since then it has been out of control, rising like a comet...

      Keywords:Tyrant Martial Soul QianLiMuChen Tyrant Martial SoulRead the full text Tyrant Martial SoulTXT download

      Tyrant Martial Soullatest chapter:Chapter 5827 Battle with Commander-in-Chief Liao Ming!

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