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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Quick travel guide: The female supporting character counterattacks and abuses the scumbag

Chapter 4752 A new life (9)

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    Mo Jing has been in retreat this time for a year. During this year, she has been able to freely use the spiritual energy in her body. At the same time, she also discovered the special features of each power. The white power can help her recover her body.  Golden power can increase the strength of attacks. As for blood, this power is the most powerful. Among the many spells in her inherited memory, this power is the mutation after their demon clan grew up. When using this kind of power,  Strength can double her strength.

    As for the power of black, it comes from her absorbing demonic energy. She is originally from the demon clan, and the ability to use demonic energy is her innate ability.

    Mo Jing was very satisfied with the results of this retreat. When she walked out of the house, she found Mo Yuan standing not far away.

    As soon as she saw Mo Yuan, Mo Jing trotted over happily, "Brother."

    When Mo Yuan heard the sound, he turned his head. He took Mo Jing back to the room. With a wave of his hand, the things she commonly used in her cave appeared in front of her, "These are the things you are used to.  I brought it for you."

    Mo Jing waved her hand, and all these things were placed where she wanted them to be.

    After doing all this, Mo Jing walked to the spiritual bed and sat down, "Brother, have you finished all your matters?"

    Mo Yuan nodded, "The matter has been almost settled. Are you still used to staying here?"

    Mo Jing nodded immediately, "I live well."

    Mo Yuan stared at Mo Jing with a smile for a long time, and then said, "Brother, there are still things to deal with. If you have anything, use the sound transmission stone to let me know."

    When Mo Yuan spoke, he had already put a stone into Mo Jing's hand. Before Mo Jing could react, he turned around and walked out.

    Looking at the extra stone in her hand, Mo Jing stretched out her hand and touched it. The touch was very warm. She tentatively spoke to the stone, "Brother, can you hear me?"

    Mo Yuan's gentle voice came from the stone, "You can hear it."

    Mo Jing carefully put away the sound transmission stone.

    Mo Jing suddenly remembered the demon woman from before. Mo Yuan asked her to take care of her, but she had been in seclusion for such a long time. She didn¡¯t know if the demon woman was still in the yard.

    Thinking of this, Mo Jing walked out of the room and looked for the demon woman in the yard.

    Not long after, Mo Jing found the demon woman in the yard.

    At this time, the demon woman was rummaging for something on the ground. After discovering Mo Jing's arrival, she immediately stopped what she was doing and bowed to Mo Jing respectfully, "Your Highness."

    Mo Jing looked curiously at the ground that had been turned over, "What are you doing?"

    The devil woman looked at the land she had just plowed, "I am planting some magic fruits. When these magic fruits mature, some of them will produce very delicious magic fruits, and they can also increase the magic energy in our bodies."

    Hearing what the demon woman said, Mo Jing couldn't help but become interested in the magic fruit, "Do you need my help?"

    The demon woman rushed in and shook her head, "Your Highness, just wait here. Just let me do this little thing."

    Mo Jing looked at the demon woman in front of her and suddenly asked, "I forgot to ask your name. What is your name?"

    When the demon woman heard the question, she replied, "My name is Ah Li." (Remember the website address:
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