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Chapter 5601 Despair and Restart (Finale)

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    Lin Hao was about to respond, but suddenly he felt his heart throbbing. An inexplicable pain surged throughout his body. Every inch of Lin Hao's skin felt like tearing pain.


    Lin Hao cried out in pain.

    Bystanders suddenly looked over and asked nervously: "Lin Hao, what's wrong with you?"

    Lin Hao was in agony and suddenly fell to his knees on the ground. All the sounds in his ears had become blurry.

    "What's going on? Why does it hurt so much"

    Lin Hao lowered his head and glanced, but his eyes suddenly widened. Lin Hao saw that half of his body had split open, and his body was slowly disappearing from bottom to top!

    It¡¯s just for no reason, why did it become like this?

    Cang Gou walked out slowly, his face full of despair, "I lost, I still lost. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly"

    Lin Hao stared at Cang Gou with wide eyes, "What's going on? What's going on!?"

    Cang Gou sighed, "Actually, you are all wrong. In fact, everyone in this continent is kept in the dark. Please listen to me in detail."

    Seeing Cang Gou's appearance, Lin Hao's heart skipped a beat. Lin Hao knew that now was the time to get closer to the truth.

    Cang Gou shook his head in a low voice, "In your impression, what is the current situation of this world?"

    Lin Hao swallowed his saliva, "Ours is the Xuanwu Continent, and there are also three continents: White Tiger, Suzaku, and Blue Dragon. Finally, there is the Central Continent. There seems to be the God Realm going up Isn't it like this?"

    Cang Gou looked at Lin Hao calmly, "Yes, it's not entirely right. It's just the world you know from other people's mouths, but it's also the world before. Look behind you."

    Lin Hao looked at the disappearing body and seemed to be aware of it. He suddenly looked back and found that everyone next to him had disappeared. Even the mountains and rivers in the naked eye were gradually fading away. Everything was like a mirror.

    Everything is gradually disappearing.

    Lin Hao was stunned, "How could this happen?"

    Cang Gou shook his head, "Actuallyeven the history you know is fake. In fact, there has never been such a thing as modern and ancient."

    Lin Hao raised his eyebrows in shock, "What do you mean?"

    Cang Gou sighed softly, his eyes full of despair, "Humanity's last war in ancient times has been defeated. Not only the central continent, the Azure Dragon, Suzaku and White Tiger Continent, as well as Huangquan Biluo, and even the God Realm, have all been defeated. Now,  Those places have been completely occupied, and all living creatures outside the Xuanwu Continent have died."

    Lin Hao's eyes widened in shock, "How is it possible? What you said isall dead? Monsters? Humans? Gods? All creatures are gone?"

    Cang Gou's eyes were dull and he laughed self-deprecatingly: "No one dares to think about it, but it did happen. The human race and the monster race have been fighting for eternity. Who would have thought that they would lose so unexpectedly in the end."

    ???????????????????? Boom!

    As the mountains and rivers collapsed, Lin Hao looked up and saw a huge crack opening in the sky!

    From the cracks, Lin Hao could see beyond the cracks, the dilapidated world full of ruins, and some strange silver luster.

    Lin Hao took a deep breath, "Really, is there no hope?"

    Cang Gou laughed miserably, "Yes, the last way is to mend the sky temporarily and survive."

    Lin Hao seemed to have expected it, and a desperate smile appeared on his face, "So, your existence is not accidental. Is my life the last resort of mankind?"

    Cang Gou's expression changed, "You and I are the last game between all living things."

    Lin Hao said calmly: "What do I need to pay?"

    Cang Gou's eyes were full of desolation, "Not just you, but everything about you"

    Lin Hao waved his hand without thinking, "Then, I'll give it back to you."


    On this day, Lin Hao stood on the sky, staring at this crack. Lin Hao saw the horrific scene outside the crack, and also saw the doomsday scene that the world had begun to sink.

    "let's start."

    Lin Hao whispered.

    At that moment, fairy music began to play.

    From different places in the Xuanwu Continent, there were seven figures shooting towards the cracks in the sky. Lin Hao watched blankly as they left one by one. Lin Hao's heart seemed to be squeezed tightly by a big hand, and he couldn't breathe.

    At this moment, Lin Hao knew everything Cang Gou said, not only life, but also love!

    White Pond!  Tantai Moon!  Yu Wenhu!  Yu Xue!  Ice moon!  Wu Baihe!  There is even the soul of the dead Xue Lengfeng!

    These most important people in Lin Hao's life turned into meteors one by one at this moment, passing in front of Lin Hao. They met Lin Hao's eyes and said goodbye to Lin Hao one after another.

    "Young man, don't forget me. When we meet again in the next life, you must treat me to dinner. Let's go now!"

    "Lin Hao, we were born on the same day of the same year and died on the same day of the same year. We are already strong enough, but we just lost to fate."

    "Boss, actually my master, that idiot, told me that I am already mentally prepared. Let's be brothers again in the next life."

    "I am already satisfied. Even if it is just for one day, I have had you. Lin Hao, I love you."

    "I've been waiting for you for so many years, but you haven't come to me, but it doesn't matter anymore, we can be together forever."

    "When you enter my lovesickness gate, you know that my lovesickness is painful. Long lovesickness makes you remember each other, but short lovesickness makes you infinite. If I had known that it would be such a stumbling block to people's hearts, why would I not have known each other in the first place."

    "If there is an afterlife, I will die for you!"


    Hearing the heartbreaking words in his ears, Lin Hao could no longer bear the heartbreaking pain. He burst into tears and looked up to the sky wailing.


    However, to no avail.

    Today, I still have to make up for it.

    We still have to leave.

    If you lose, you lose.

    No one stayed, and no one achieved success.

    On this day, Lin Hao turned into light and shot into the sky with seven other rainbow lights. The cracks were slowly recovering.

    And finally, Cang Gou looked back at the human world, suddenly bit off a piece of his own flesh, threw it into the human world, and then jumped into the crack.

    At the last moment when half of the Xuanwu Continent was wiped out and almost the entire continent was eroded, the crack in the sky was blocked.

    However, because of the erosion of this crack, the entire Xuanwu Continent began to reset. Humans and monsters lost the foundation they had accumulated over thousands of years, and everything returned to its original state.

    Human beings have to continue to reproduce, and because the Xuanwu Continent began to recover, the entire Xuanwu Continent expanded rapidly, expanding more and more, becoming completely different from the original Xuanwu Continent.

    At this moment, the area of ??the Xuanwu Continent is countless times larger. The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth is unpredictable. As long as the sky does not tear out that crack again, the area of ??the Xuanwu Continent that continues to expand can even exceed the total area of ??all previous continents.

    It is foreseeable that in tens of millions of years, this continent will become a complete world. If the sky does not crack, the creatures that thrive in this world will one day be able to return to their most glorious time.

    No one will remember what the world was like before, no one will remember who patched up the sky, everything has become a legend, everything has returned to the calmest and most peaceful state, and the world is growing.

    Until one day, a gap opened behind a cloud in the sky, and a creature made of mercury walked into the world with a grin

    The book is finished!


    The words written at the back of the book.

    Snow Mountain Baizhu: Yes, Charming is finished, at exactly six million words.

    "Charming God has failed, but Snow Mountain will not fail. I will continue to write books and keep writing until one day I am qualified to write a chapter of my own victory."

    At that time, thousands of white cranes will fly over to witnessour miracle.  (Remember the website address:
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