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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Romance -> City God Level Selection System

Chapter 4241 Legal Affairs

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    After a brief ceremony, Fan Linglong officially took possession of the Holy Lord's token and took control of the escaping barrier, and then distributed part of the rights to Saint Fan Linglong and the Holy Master, so that they also have the ability to control the escaping barrier.

    This escaping barrier is the most authoritative expression of the Holy Lord. As long as the escaping barrier is controlled, the Hidden Holy Valley will be safe and sound.

    Afterwards, as the new Holy Lord, Fan Linglong held a funeral in memory of the previous Holy Lord. In fact, everyone bowed their heads in worship, thanked the Holy Lord for his efforts, and respectfully sent him away.

    There were no flowers, no gongs and drums, no coffin to enclose the body, and no incense and candle rituals. Fan Linglong simply recited the Sutra of Saving People, namely the "Tai Shang Cave Xuan Ling Bao Immeasurable Sutra of the Highest Grade". After reciting the sutra,  , a burst of spiritual fire was fired, melting all the relics of the previous Holy Master, turning them into debris, and being buried under the peach blossom tree where he used to meditate.

    There is no grave, only a stone tablet recording the life story of Yongnian stands quietly under the tree for future generations to pay tribute to.

    This is the end of the legal proceedings.


    When everyone was feeling sad, Li Yun suddenly felt something. He turned around and found that it was the old man guarding the spiritual rift that he had met when he entered the spiritual rift before.

    Known as: Huang Yixian.

    He walked at a slow pace, but within a few breaths, he came to the inscription of Ji Yongnian not far away. After taking a silent look, he said to Fan Linglong: "Come to see me at noon tomorrow. I have something to do."  , it¡¯s time to let you know.¡±

    There was no moment of silence, as if he already knew that Ji Yongnian was not really dead, or that even if Ji Yongnian died, he was not worthy of giving him a moment of silence!

    There was a commotion among the crowd, and most people didn¡¯t even know who the old man in yellow clothes was, just like they didn¡¯t know who Wan Nishang, mother and daughter were.

    Their experience is still too young.


    After Fan Linglong agreed, Huang Yixian disappeared again, but before leaving, she glanced at the bamboo leaf bracelet in Wan Qingya's hand.

    The Holy Master frowned, but still couldn't figure out what this senior meant.

    Only a few people with higher status in the Hidden Sacred Valley know about the existence of Huang Yixian, but they also know that after all, few people go to the spiritual rift, and they will never see him, so there is no way to understand it.

    ¡°He looks like he¡¯s hiding some secret.¡±

    Wan Nishang chuckled and whispered to Li Yun.


    Wan Qingya touched the bracelet, "Does that old man know about my bracelet?"

    Fan Linglong¡¯s heart sank. She had already heard that Wan Qingya and Li Yun had gone to Nanbianhai before and met Guanyin Bodhisattva. She even knew about the three of them and Li Yun who had been fooling around all night.

    Huang Yixian knew about the Bamboo Leaf Bracelet, which probably meant that he was also a god, or a very powerful person, at least better than Fan Linglong. She didn't see the difference in the Bamboo Leaf Bracelet at that time.

    Combined with what Huang Yixian said just now, there is a high probability that it is the former, that is, he is really a certain god.

    If so, then there is probably a god hiding in the Six Doors, which is scary even thinking about it.

    "These bastards!"

    Wan Nishang cursed in a low voice without specifying who it was, but everyone could understand it.

    "Let's see what you can do, don't worry too much, the other party's attitude is still very good."

    Li Yun said, Fan Linglong nodded silently, and she and the Saint Master dealt with some more affairs in the valley.  (Remember the website address:
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