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Chapter 2626 Sophie sets off

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    Biquge Dingdian, the fastest update of Urban Qianlong!

    Yu Xiaoman answered the call in confusion, "Who is this?"

    On the other end of the phone, a woman's calm voice came, "Are you Xiaofei?"

    Yu Xiaoman looked back at Sophie, shook his head and said, "I'm not, I'm Xiaofei's friend. It's not convenient for her to answer the phone right now. Who are you?"

    Zheng Xiaoyun explained, "My surname is Zheng, and I am Xiaodong's godmother."

    Yu Xiaoman pressed the phone, turned to Sophie and said, "Your surname is Zheng, is she Zhao Dong's godmother?"

    Sophie bit her lip tightly, "Sister Xiaoman, please call me."

    After answering my call, Sophie took a deep breath and then asked: "Hello, godmother, I am Sophie. Zhao Dong often mentioned you to me before."

    "Originally, I wanted to go to Tianyang with him this time, but my friend had a little trouble and couldn't get away temporarily."

    Zheng Xiaoyun nodded, "I often hear Xiaodong mention you. I'm sorry for calling you so late."

    Sophie knew that Zhao Dong didn¡¯t like to mention the past, nor did he like to talk about things related to power.

    As a wife, she just wants to respect her husband's choice.

    She never bothered Zhao Dong if he didn't want her to touch him.

    In fact, not only Zhao Dong, Sophie also knew very little about Zhao Dong¡¯s family situation.

    It¡¯s just that at Zhao Dong¡¯s wedding, I met several elders of Zhao Dong. They are not relatives, but should be friends of Zhao Dong¡¯s father.

    Regarding other things, Mother Zhao didn¡¯t introduce much, she just introduced the other party¡¯s name.

    But judging from the other person¡¯s speech and behavior, I always feel that he doesn¡¯t look like an ordinary person.

    It was an indescribable feeling, as if there was a voice in her heart telling her.

    Regarding Zhao Dong¡¯s past, the more she knew, the farther away she would push this man.

    "For example, Zhao Dong's godwives are rarely mentioned by Zhao Dong.

    I only know that the other party is a very powerful and prominent figure in Tianyang.

    As for the specifics, Zhao Dong rarely said anything, and Sophie never asked.

    But judging from some details, it should not be simple.

    "Otherwise, with Zhao Dong's unruly personality, who can make him willingly accept this relationship?"

    Although Zheng Xiaoyun on the other end of the phone didn't say anything, Sophie still heard some fluctuations in his tone.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????ould have such mood swings, and made a phone call in person? What could it have to do with it?

    The heartbeat is getting faster and faster, and the breathing is becoming a little rapid!

    Over the years, there have been very few things that can make her such a mess, only Zhao Dong.

    Sophie didn¡¯t have too many polite words. She suppressed the bad feeling in her heart and asked directly: ¡°Did something happen to Zhao Dong?¡±

    The sudden question not only stunned Zheng Xiaoyun on the other end of the phone, but also caught Yu Xiaoman off guard.

    Zheng Xiaoyun was silent for a moment, and her voice became a little hoarse, "I have always heard that you are a smart child, and Xiaodong's mother often praises you."

    ¡°I didn¡¯t expect that the first time we interacted with someone was on the phone.¡±

    "Yes, something happened to Xiaodong. I'm sorry, we didn't take good care of him."

    At the end of the sentence, Zheng Xiaoyun¡¯s tone became more choked up.

    Sophie¡¯s fists clenched instantly, and her sharp nails dug directly into her palms.

    The biting pain made her calm down to the extreme.

    Since her marriage, Zhao Dong has been the backbone of the family and the sky above her head.

    For any woman, the fall of her husband is like the sky falling and the earth falling!

    And with such devastating information, any other woman would have been hysterical at this moment and unable to think calmly.

    Sophie, however, forced herself to calm down and asked, "Is he still there?"

    The tone was colder than ever before, and while indifferent, there was also a bit of trembling that couldn't be concealed.

    Zheng Xiaoyun nodded, "He's here!"

    Sophie's eyes instantly became wet, and tears burst out of her eyes uncontrollably, "Okay, I understand."

    "I'll set off right away and go to the Northeast immediately."

    "Does Zhao Dong's family need to know about this?"

    Zheng Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment.

    When she heard the news about Zhao Dong¡¯s sudden marriage, she still couldn¡¯t accept it, and even felt wronged for Chu Wei.

    I always feel like a couple is torn apart alive.?

    She even didn¡¯t know why Zhao Dong had a flash marriage and why he wanted to find the daughter of a merchant family.

    If her husband hadn¡¯t stopped her, she would have beaten them.

    Later, I learned that Zhao Dong decided to go into seclusion, so I didn¡¯t disturb his life too much.

    Otherwise, when Zhao Dong got married, she would have wanted to learn Sophie's methods.

    What kind of woman is she, and why does she make Xiaodong want to start a family?

    It was not until this moment that Zheng Xiaoyun suddenly realized that Sophie was not simple.

    ¡°As expected of that woman¡¯s daughter, from just two sentences, I guessed her purpose of coming and her purpose of making this call!

    Zheng Xiaoyun quickly returned to normal, "Xiaodong has something going on here, and it's not life-threatening."

    "You are Xiaodong's wife, so I called you."

    "As for whether to tell Xiaodong's mother about this, you decide!"

    "Since Xiaodong has chosen you, I believe you can run this family well!"

    Sophie quickly made a decision, "Okay, then I'll go there alone first."

    "When I figure out the details of the matter, I will make other arrangements."

    "Godmother, regarding Zhao Dong's situation, you must wait until I get there before handling it."

    ¡°But if it¡¯s life-threatening, you don¡¯t have to wait for me, you can make the final decision on my behalf!¡±

    Zheng Xiaoyun was stunned, "Leave it to me?"

    Sophie said firmly: "Since you are Zhao Dong's godmother, I am willing to believe you!"

    The phone was hung up and the two of them didn¡¯t communicate much.

    The car is already waiting downstairs, and the airport is also ready.

    Sophie just went back to wash up briefly, and then quickly changed into clothes.

    Yu Xiaoman asked worriedly from behind, "Xiao Fei, what's going on? Did something happen to Zhao Dong?"

    Sophie raised her head, her eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, "Sister Xiaoman, don't ask me any questions now, I'm confused and can't give you any answers."

    "Something happened to Zhao Dong. I don't know the specific situation yet."

    "Now I'm going to the Northeast. The fastest plane is available. The car is waiting for me downstairs."

    ¡°You have full authority to make the decision for me regarding Tianzhou¡¯s affairs. If there¡¯s anything you can¡¯t handle, call me again.¡±

    "As for your case, I can't keep an eye on it myself, but with Wang Meng here in Tianzhou, there shouldn't be any problems."

    "There is also Meng Jiao's matter, which I can only leave to you."

    "Sister Xiaoman, I'm sorryI"

    Without saying a word, Yu Xiaoman took his bag directly, pulled out a bank card from it and said, "Okay, why are you telling me so much at this time?"

    "We are all sisters, no need to explain."

    ¡°You take the money, if it¡¯s not enough, tell me and I will find a way at any time.¡±

    "As for the rest, you don't have to worry about anything, just leave it to me!"

    Sophie didn¡¯t show any politeness, put away her bank card, took some luggage with her, and quickly went downstairs.

    When I came to the corner of the stairs, because I was walking in a hurry, I lost my footing and fell straight down!

    The knee was smashed and it hurt so much!

    Yu Xiaoman hurriedly ran forward, "Xiao Fei!"

    Sophie shook her head, "I'm fine!"

    Limping out of the door, the car outside didn't turn off.

    After Sophie got in the car, she went straight to the airport!  (Remember the website address:
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