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Chapter 1028 Propose to her

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    There were tens of thousands of people during the audition, but now there are only a hundred or so, and they have all gone through various very rigorous assessments to stand here.

    Next, we have to eliminate 80%. In the end, a dozen or so people will be left, which is considered too much.

    Feng Lingxue had experience before and had several works. Although she had the experience of being blacklisted by the entire Internet, now she has successfully cleared her name and even gained a large number of fans.

    In addition, she has successfully lost weight and her appearance is becoming more and more attractive, so it is expected that she can successfully sign the contract.

    The reviewer told her to arrive at the company on time at nine o'clock tomorrow, to take photos and promotional posters for several of them, and then to participate in activities.

    So Feng Lingxue was fully prepared to have a good rest and go to the company full of energy tomorrow, but when she woke up the next day, she found that her aunt was here.

    ????????? Oops, I heard that there will be a swimsuit photo shoot today What can she do in this situation?

    If a new employee refuses to be photographed as soon as he joins the company, he will definitely be kicked out.

    It¡¯s hard to catch the opportunity, no matter what, you have to stick to it!

    With a sigh, Feng Lingxue took a sip of the hot soup and set off in a hurry.

    As soon as I arrived downstairs at Yonghui, I saw a large number of reporters blocking the door.

    Seeing so many people, Feng Lingxue couldn't help but think of the last hostage-taking incident. She was still frightened after such a long time.

    She consciously avoided the crowd, walked along the wall to the elevator door, pressed the button and waited patiently.

    She was bored and listened to what was being said over there.

    I saw the reporters gathered around something, and then asked very tricky questions in tit-for-tat.

    "Ms. Chu, someone took a photo of you secretly meeting a mysterious man abroad. Is he your boyfriend? If so, will you take this opportunity to announce your relationship?"

    "Ms. Chu, your latest movie starring you will be released soon. Is this relationship a deliberate hype to keep it popular and sell well at the box office?"

    "The photos of you dating a mysterious man have caused quite a stir. Who is this man? How long have you been together and to what extent has it progressed? Are you pregnant?"


    Feng Lingxue couldn't help but marvel, these reporters are so awesome, they can say anything.

    ¡°People¡¯s love affairs are just suspected, and now it¡¯s directly related to pregnancy. It¡¯s really scary.

    Just as she was thinking about it, she heard a familiar name. She instantly became nervous and didn't even care when the elevator came.

    "Ms. Chu, some people say that the appearance of the man in the photo is very vague, but his height and appearance are very similar to the chairman of a well-known company. There are reports that you had a relationship with Chairman Ye of Shenglan Group. Who is your mysterious boyfriend?  him?"

    "We also heard that Chairman Ye took you on his private luxury cruise ship, set off fireworks on the sea, and then gave you a diamond ring to express his love to you. Are you two going to get married soon?"


    These questions made Feng Lingxue enlightened. She turned around and stared at the crowd, trying to find the Miss Chu who was being asked.

    Then came the manager's calming voice: "Everyone, we are sick due to the cold. Please don't crowd us. If you want to ask questions, we will go to the conference room upstairs and give you time to ask. Don't panic. Come, please."  Come with me."

    As soon as the agent spoke, the reporters all followed her away, and Chu Yiyi took the opportunity to escape with the support of her bodyguards.

    Feng Lingxue was still in a dazed state. It wasn't until Chu Yiyi stood next to her that she realized and leaned to the side.

    She couldn't help but quietly turned her head to look at her, feeling a little surprised in her heart.

    She is indeed the only domestic female star popular in Hollywood, and her mixed-race looks are simply perfect.

    Chu Yiyi and Fang Ruolin have similar statuses in the domestic film and television industry, but the former is currently focusing on foreign countries and seems to have achieved considerable success.

    When the elevator arrived, Feng Lingxue immediately walked in and stood in the corner. Only then did Chu Yiyi lift her feet and step in gracefully.

    She has a very good temperament. She wears a navy blue dress with a silver fox fur outside, making her look graceful, luxurious and elegant.

    In short, there is an inexplicable sense of distance when standing in front of her. Even though Feng Lingxue is already a wealthy daughter, standing next to such a movie queen still seems a bit unattractive.

    The bodyguards did not come up, the elevator was closed, and only Feng Lingxue and Chu Yiyi were left in the small space.

    The atmosphere was a bit solid, and there was a moment of unexplained tension.

    Feng Lingxue cautiously glanced at her with her peripheral vision, and saw Chu Yiyi raised her hand to push up her sunglasses., the very sparkling diamond ring on the middle finger is particularly attractive.

    That reporter just said that Ye Jinglan proposed to her on the cruise ship?

    Is it true?

    Feng Lingxue was confused. She proposed to someone else even before the divorce procedures were completed?

    Jinglan acted really quickly this night.

    But it¡¯s okay, she won¡¯t feel sad, but she will be happy to finally be free!

    When the elevator arrived, Feng Lingxue hurriedly walked down. Her whole back looked a little panicked and she could see that she was very restrained.

    Chu Yiyi watched her disappear into the corridor, her red lips showing a meaningful smile.

    "It's this girl" She muttered softly, then lowered her head and pressed the door button.


    Since the reporters asked questions, Feng Lingxue has been absent-minded. During the morning's shooting, she was not as professional as usual. Instead, she gave people a feeling of being absent-minded.

    The director had no choice but to call a timeout, and then scolded Feng Lingxue severely.

    While she was feeling sad, Fang Ruolin took the time to come over to visit the class.

    As soon as she saw her relatives, Feng Lingxue hugged her to keep warm, hoping to get some energy from her.

    It¡¯s a pity that Fang Ruolin didn¡¯t open any pot, so she took out a newspaper from her bag and gave it to her.

    "Look, who is this photo of?"

    Feng Lingxue looked down and saw a scene of a couple strolling under the snowy streets of Country M.

    The man was tall and straight, and no one else knew him, but Feng Lingxue could tell who the man in the photo was at a glance.

    That¡¯s right, it¡¯s Ye Jinglan!

    In the dark night, the street lights are dim, and the aimless streets are quiet and reassuring.

    A man and a woman walked arm in arm under the light. White snowflakes fell from the sky, covering their hair and shoulders.

    The further they walked, the longer their shadows became

    Without looking at it any longer, Feng Lingxue hurriedly messed up the newspaper and threw it aside, then pretended to be calm: "What is this? I can't understand it."

    Fang Ruolin reminded: "You are stupid, this man is Ye Jinglan, this bitch is actually with Chu Yiyi, it is simply humiliating me!"

    She and Chu Yiyi are sworn enemies. They usually compete for resources, but now they also compete for men.

    Fortunately she let go of Ye Jinglan, otherwise she would have been mad to death.

    After all, the man Fang Ruolin chased but failed to love is now proposing to her rival, which no one can accept!  (Remember the website address:
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