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    The Suzhou River is dotted with stars at night and is full of boathouses and wine shops. Many literati like to hang out here. The gentle breeze blows, and the sound of various silk and bamboo orchestral music comes from the river from time to time. Looking around, you can see a gauze and graceful shadow that attracts your heart.

    A simple and small boat was slowly swimming on the river. But if you look closely, you can see that there are many small boats around the boat, which seems to have blocked the approach of other boats.

    "Mothermy son, can I help you braid your hair?"

    The little girl in a pink dress leaned softly in the woman's arms, making milky sounds while tugging on the woman's black hair. Her pink and jade-shaped face was full of seriousness, which made people unable to bear to refuse.

    Holding his breath and carefully pulling his hair back, Liu Yin pinched the child's face and whispered softly: "I'll braid your Aunt Xiyun's hair later. When you learn how to braid it, can you braid it for your mother?"

    Woven her hair and be torn.

    Xiyun¡¯s face at the back changed. Why didn¡¯t the empress find someone else? She also had no hair!

    "Okay!" The little girl held her arms softly, nestled in her arms and looked at the painted boats on the river. She murmured, "Why are other people's boats so big? I want a big boat too."

    Glancing at the two father and son on the bow, Liu Yin sat on the side and held his daughter's hand, pointing at the back and said: "Because your father is poor, he can't afford a big boat, and he is stingy, so after the first snow,  You can¡¯t waste any more, and you must eat well, otherwise my father will have no money to support you.¡±

    Xiyun behind her lowered her head and tried to hold back her laughter. She didn¡¯t even know what the empress was talking about.

    But the child seemed to have listened. While blinking his big watery eyes, he looked at the back and said seriously: "It turns out that my father is so poor."

    With that said, he quietly leaned into Liu Yin's ear and said sweetly: "I secretly saved a lot of money. If my father has no food to eat, can Chuxue buy something for my father to eat?"

    The child¡¯s enunciation was not very clear yet, and her big round eyes were full of seriousness. Liu Yin just smiled and pinched her little face, ¡°Then the queen is gone?¡±

    "My mother also has some. I feed them to my mother, not to my father." The little girl smiled and showed her two little milk teeth.

    Looking at the soft little face, Liu Yin couldn't help but lean in for a kiss, "Chu Xue is so good, my father is so cruel, we will never play with him again."

    The lights on the river were dim, and the bustling night scene fully demonstrated the prosperity of Jiangnan this time. The young man, who was half the height of a man, was looking at the river with a serious expression, and his outline that had not yet opened up was always pretending to be mature.

    "My son believes that although the land of fireworks in the south of the Yangtze River is prosperous, it has also extended many industries and solved the livelihood of many people. Suppression should not be necessary, but strong control is necessary, otherwise the darkness will be allowed to  The industry is getting more and more rampant." The young man spoke clearly.

    After finishing speaking, seeing that the man next to him didn't say anything, he continued: "Officials in the Jiangnan area usually collude for their own interests. If you want them to restrain each other, you must select officials with different political views to take office. I think the governor of Suzhou is too much."  Zhongyong, he can be transferred out during this transfer.¡±

    The little boy was still analyzing in a serious manner, and a milky voice came from behind, "Mother, why do you always like your relatives' homes?"

    "Because the Queen Mother likes you."

    "Then why doesn't Father kiss Chuxue? Does Father not like me?" The little girl's tone was full of curiosity.

    Qin Ding slowly lowered his head, a helpless smile finally appeared on his young and mature face, and his eyes looking at the little girl over there became slightly gentler.

    "Because the father is the queen of the mother."

    Looking at the little boy approaching, Liu Yin glared at him angrily. He didn't know how to answer his daughter's question for a while, so he simply walked over with the child in his arms and handed the person to Qin Yan, "Why don't you express your gratitude quickly?"  ."

    Turning his eyes, the man just hugged the little girl and raised his hand to smooth her little hair. His eyes were soft and he asked, "Are you hungry?"

    Leaning softly on the man's shoulder, the little girl shook her head slightly and said in a sweet voice: "My mother gave me milk cake just now. It was much more delicious than the one in the palace. I also left two pieces for my brother and my father."  Woolen cloth."

    Hearing this, the man just smiled faintly, handed the child to Xiyun, and said in a low voice, "Give the princess some clothes."


    Xiyun quickly carried the little girl into the cabin, and Qin Ding also quietly stepped back, looking back at the people behind him. In fact, he envied the relationship between his father, the emperor, and his mother, which remained unchanged forever.

    The evening breeze blew by, and Liu Yin sat at the wooden table while pouring himself a glass.Glancing at the people over there, "You know how to talk to Qin Ding about political matters all day long. How old is he? Can't you make people relax?"

    Since he ascended the throne, he has said that he would take her out to play, but it was only now that the two children were born that he would have kept the two children in the palace.

    "It was the same when I was young." His voice was calm.

    "Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Qin Ding is not you, and you are not the late emperor. Why do you put so much pressure on him?" She snorted and took a sip of tea, but the other party did not speak to her again.

    The evening breeze blew his black cannon body, and Liu Yin just held his head and looked at the person over there. The sharp-edged outline became more mature and restrained. It is said that men are thirty-one flowers. It is true, this man is really  What's more, he never has a nice word to say.

    Blinking, she suddenly stood up, walked over and hugged his waist, raising her head, "But after Qin Ding can be on his own, shall we go to the world?"

    Looking at each other, she said in a soft voice, "It's just the two of us."

    Just like when they first met, the woman's eyebrows were picturesque and her eyes were bright and clear, but now they were a little softer. The evening breeze blew through the green hair beside her ears. The man pursed his lips, raised his hand to hold the back of her neck, and held her hand.  In my arms.

    She blinked and said softly: "If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your promise?"

    Liu Yin suddenly stood up on tiptoes and hugged his neck without saying anything, his eyes blazing, "I want to tell you something, will you believe me?"

    "Huh?" He casually put his arms around the woman's slender waist.

    Not knowing how determined he was, Liu Yin gritted his teeth and said bravely: "II am actually not Liu Yin!"

    She thought about this for a long time and decided to speak out. She believed in the other party and didn't want to hide it like this forever.

    "I know."

    I thought that the other party would tell her that she was talking nonsense and would ignore her no matter what, but I didn¡¯t expect that he would actually say that he knew?  !

    "What do you know? How could you possibly know? You don't think I'm some sort of goblin, do you? I'm definitely not a vixen!" She quickly waved her hands to explain.

    People in this era are all feudal and superstitious. Liu Yin has always been afraid of being discovered and burned to death, so she has never dared to say anything. Today, she doesn¡¯t know how determined she is to dare to say this, but the situation seems to be beyond her expectation.  .

    Looking at that nervous little face, Qin Yan's lips curved slightly. He had waited for eight years and thought she was not going to speak.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out of this man's eyes, Liu Yin immediately hugged his waist, raised his head and said: "I am really not a vixen, I am a human being, I am a person of flesh and blood!"

    As soon as she finished speaking, her forehead suddenly hurt, and a deep voice suddenly sounded in her ears, "You don't believe me so much?"

    Her eyes changed slightly, Liu Yin lowered her head and said nothing. From time to time, laughter and laughter from other boats could be heard on the river. Her expression was a little complicated. Perhaps, he really knew everything, otherwise how could he marry her.

    "I'm afraid that you think I'm a monster, and I'm afraid that you won't believe me. I'm timid, and I'm afraid that you won't want me" She lowered her head and felt a sore nose inexplicably.

    It wasn¡¯t until my head was pressed in someone¡¯s arms that I sniffed and said softly: ¡°But maybe I¡¯ve used up all my luck in my lifetime by meeting you, but I don¡¯t regret it.¡±

    She immediately raised her head and looked at those black eyes intently.

    Their eyes met, the man¡¯s eyelids drooped slightly, ¡°Glib tongue.¡±

    Liu Yin: ""

    "Can't you change the word? I'm tired of hearing it." She curled her lips and turned her head.

    Holding her chin, Qin Yan's eyes deepened, "I won't listen to anyone's smooth talk."

    The breeze blew by, as if blowing through her heart. Liu Yin pursed her lips and smiled, then buried her head in his arms and said in a soft voice, "Then did I tell you that I love you."

    (Complete book) (Remember the website address:
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