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2728 Monster emitting white light

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    He hurried over and saw with the faint light that there was a magic crystal-like object in the monster's body cavity.

    "It's just that compared to ordinary magic crystals, this magic crystal is more rounded and three-dimensional in shape, and much larger, somewhat similar to an irregular egg-shaped object.  And the luster is not ordinary red, yellow, green, gold, silver, etc., but a soft pure white.

    He looked towards the monster's eyes which were still emitting a little light. This magic crystal was made of something similar to the eye.

    "Pull out the eyes and take them away together."

    He felt that this thing might be helpful to him. Anyway, let¡¯s take it away.

    The soldier immediately wrapped the taken out magic crystal with the eyes, and the group was about to move on.

    "Captain, wait a moment."

    The soldier only took two steps before he stopped again and stopped the team.

    "What happened?" The surviving team members were a little nervous, thinking they had discovered another monster.

    "I feel that my strength has recovered a little." The warrior clenched his fist, and some elemental fluctuations lingered on it.

    Everyone felt about themselves one after another, but no changes were found.

    Everyone was suspicious at first, and then immediately focused their attention on what the soldier was carrying behind him.

    The soldier quickly handed over the wrapped magic crystal to the person next to him.

    The two people felt the physical condition together. The previous warrior's condition immediately returned to before, and the person who received the magic crystal regained some abilities.

    Although the recovery is not much, it is enough to make people feel excited.

    "Perhaps we have found a way out?" A soldier said with suppressed emotion.

    He also took the magic crystal package and tried it, and found that it was indeed the case.

    However, she was more careful than others. She opened the package and picked up the magic crystal and the eyeball respectively. She found that both items had the same effect, but their recovery ability was worse when they were separated. This shows that if this thing  If the quantity is sufficient, it can indeed fully restore strength.

    If everyone regains their strength, the situation will indeed be much better. At least the monsters below will be easier to deal with.

    Kehe always feels something is not right.

    The monster we met just now is actually not very strong. It can even be said to be very weak. It is probably at the level of a fifth- or sixth-level mutant life form.  Warriors of any race in the universe and even many civilians can defeat it. The reason why the fight was so hard just now is because everyone has lost their strength.

    "But this place is so weird. Are there only low-level monsters like this?"

    If a high-level monster appears, can you still defeat it?

    He took a deep breath and said: "Don't be optimistic yet, let's find a way up according to the original plan and see what happens. We need to be more cautious, other monsters may be stronger."

    She handed over two things that could restore her strength to a defensive warrior. In this narrow terrain area, having someone who could resist in front of her would be of great help to the entire battle.

    The group of people continued to move forward, and after He's reminder, everyone walked more carefully.


    At the same time, several other teams also encountered dangers, but the endings were different.  ¡­.

    In a passage, a tall two-headed monster was holding its head high, eyes closed, smelling the charming smell of blood in the air, with an intoxicated look on its face.  At its feet was a small piece of broken corpse.

    This group of expeditionary soldiers has been completely destroyed.

    The monster was intoxicated for a while, then lowered his head and picked up a piece of the corpse and swallowed it. The entire abdomen glowed strongly.

    Through the seemingly thin skin, you can see several light spots inside, one of which is similar in shape to the weird magic crystal obtained by the Hehe team.

    When the monster was full, it sniffed the air again and ran quickly towards one end of the passage.


    Zhao Xiangxue also led a group of people. Their luck was not very good. Almost as soon as they reached the level above the aircraft, they encountered monsters, two of them. They were caught off guard and several people were killed in an instant. Everyone fought desperately, holding the weapons in their hands.  Weapons made from metal dismantled from the aircraft played a big role. A soldier was very lucky and fell on the monster when he was hit by the wall of the passage and bounced back. He inserted it into the fatal part and killed one.  monster.

    With the efforts of the others, although they killed the remaining one, when Zhao Xiangxue looked around, she was the only one left alive.

    For many years, Zhao Xiangxue has not cried.The cruelty and coldness of the apocalypse made her tear ducts disappear.

    But at this moment, she really couldn't help it. Looking at the corpses on the ground and the dark, seemingly endless passage ahead, she felt helpless and lonely as never before.

    At this time when she was about to collapse, the light in the monster's body allowed her to recover a little.  She cut open the corpses of the two monsters and found two pieces of magic crystal-like objects and four pieces of body structure that emitted the same white halo.

    Zhao Xiangxue quickly adjusted her mentality and dug out these strange things. Suddenly, she felt that her strength was back.

    Not all, but most of them!

    Her hands were shaking with excitement.

    Without thinking, she raised her hand, and a string of flames spread from her feet to the distance of the passage, and the originally dark place suddenly became bright.

    The first thing after regaining his strength, Zhao Xiangxue kicked the monster's body down from the vertical pipe, then arranged the bodies of his comrades as much as possible, leaving everyone's personal belongings behind, and then burned the bodies.

    With most of her strength recovered, Zhao Xiangxue forgot her sorrow and left here, running quickly in the pipeline. She estimated that she now has about nine stars of strength.

    Although she was the only one left in her team, Zhao Xiangxue made the fastest progress because she had recovered most of her strength. In a short period of time, she had passed three upward pipes and arrived at an exit.

    Facing the locked metal door, Zhao Xiangxue tried to push and pull it, but found that it could not be opened, so he started to melt it with fire.

    There is no need to hesitate, no matter what is outside, this door must be opened.

    But the flames emitted by Zhao Xiangxue stopped at a certain moment, and the door that had been melted and deformed was not completely destroyed.

    Because there was a continuous vibration from the pipe behind.

    That should be caused by something approaching quickly.

    Zhao Xiangxue turned around and turned into a flame body in an instant, and the power in his body quickly condensed into a fighting state.

    A few seconds later, a huge two-headed monster appeared in the passage. After seeing Zhao Xiangxue roaring arrogantly, its abdomen glowed with a strong white light.

    Zhao Xiangxue saw six intense light spots flashing inside the huge abdomen!

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