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    1: Little love rival

    Since little Cheng Yan came to this world, Cheng Yan has felt that his position in the heart of his wife has been seriously threatened.  Originally it was just because his status would be slightly reduced, but now he vaguely felt that he was afraid that his status would be lost.

    Xiao Cheng Yan has inherited his father¡¯s characteristics very well¡ª¡ª

    Good luck with the opposite sex.  When I was in kindergarten, I brought home all kinds of candies and chocolates every day, especially on Valentine's Day. I directly held a little sister from kindergarten with my left hand and an older sister from elementary school with her right hand, a princess dress and small leather shoes. Cheng Yan was in the kindergarten.  His son was waiting at the door, and then he saw such a luxurious scene.

    "You're really capable." Cheng Yan leaned on the railing of the kindergarten and said to his son.

    Xiao Cheng Yan looked at his father, let go of the hands of the two little girls, clasped his chubby little hands behind his back, and shouted arrogantly in front of Cheng Yan: "This is just the beginning. Sooner or later, mother will abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, and will no longer be with you."  Daddy, kiss me!"

    ???????????????????????????? ¡°Abandoning the dark and turning to the light¡± is really useful at such a young age.

    Cheng Yan raised the corner of his mouth, touched his little love rival's furry head, and said, "It's not your mother's decision whether or not you kiss your father. What's more, you can still sleep without kissing."

    ¡°Tch, mom puts me to sleep every day!¡± Xiao Cheng Yan showed off.

    Cheng Yan couldn't help but take the lollipop from Xiao Cheng Yan's hand, peeled off the colorful plastic candy wrapper, held it in his mouth, and said condescendingly: "You little brat, you don't understand anything."

    "Then tell me what it is!"

    "Sleep is sleep."

    "What's the big deal about sleeping with my mother? I hate sleeping the most!"

    "You brat, you will like it when you grow up."

    Like it just like dad :)

    Not only is he good with the opposite sex, but he also perfectly inherited Cheng Yan¡ª¡ª

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    The little cutie in front of mom, the little bully in front of dad.

    When I see my mother, I want to kiss and hug her. She is doing her homework seriously, holding a sharpened pencil awkwardly, with tears in her eyes and trembling lips, saying to her: "Mom, I can't do this question."  "Then Jiang Xi had no choice but to hold his son on his lap, borrow a pencil and whisper the topic in detail.

    Cheng Yan sat next to him, playing games in a low voice. Looking at his son's acting skills, he really wanted to applaud him.

    When Jiang Xi was away and the two men stayed at home, his son acted like a devil. He easily finished his homework in less than twenty minutes and imitated his father by crossing his legs.  He gestured with his small mobile phone.

    "Have you finished your homework?" Cheng Yan looked at his son with a sneer.

    "Of course!" Xiao Cheng Yan looked at Cheng Yan proudly, "Such a simple question! I can even add and subtract within twenty!"

    Cheng Yan called his son over and randomly wrote a high school logarithmic operation.

    The son looked at it for a long time and was puzzled.

    Seeing his son not writing for a long time, Cheng Yan felt that he had finally taken revenge:).

    "When you finish writing this question"

    "Mom loves me even more!"

    "If you write ten thousand words, your mother will still be mine:)"

    On the bed, Cheng Yan held his wife on his lap. Jiang Xi suddenly remembered his son's aggrieved look tonight and asked Cheng Yan: "Why did you give your son such difficult questions? He is just a child."

    "But he is so young -" Cheng Yan gently bit Jiang Xi's ear, "he just wants my woman."

    Jiang Xi suppressed a smile.

    Some adults are even jealous of children.

    Of course, occasionally the love-rival relationship between the two will ease slightly.

    Xiao Cheng Yan went home angrily, saying that several boys said that he was bad at games and that he was just a pretty boy who only wanted to please girls, so they would not take him to play with him in the future.

    After Cheng Yan heard this, he caught those boys after school the next day.

    "How dare you call your brother here? You're a scumbag!" A child was already frightened when he saw Cheng Yan, who was much taller than him.

    ¡°¡­This is my dad.¡±

    "I heard that you little brats are very powerful." Cheng Yan leaned against the wall. Little Cheng Yan grabbed his sleeve with one hand, and Cheng Yan took his son with his big hand.


    "Call you daddyCome.  "

    Then the little boys ran away, and within a few minutes, several adult men appeared in front of Cheng Yan.

    And when they saw Cheng Yan, they were shocked¡ª¡ª

    "Master Guan!"

    "Three pipes of cigarettes!"

    "When we were playing mmi! Brother, I still remember it!"

    Then, several grown men chatted instantly, laughed and scolded their sons, and a little boy followed his father home in disgrace.

    Xiao Cheng Yan raised his head, looked at his father, turned his head and muttered:

    "Forget it, mom will lend it to you for a day today."

    "Heh, your mother will be mine one day."

    2: Xiaomitang

    "There are only two times when a man will be most unprincipled. One is when he has a woman, and the other is when he has a daughter.

    When little Jiang Xi came into this world, Jiang Xi felt that his daughter was really good at reincarnation.  Suddenly, Jiang Xi discovered that Cheng Yan was simply a hardcore daughter slave.

    If you can hold it, don¡¯t carry it; if you can carry it, don¡¯t walk.  Every day, little Jiang Xi would lie on Cheng Yan's shoulder, humming children's songs, and drawing maps on Cheng Yan's clothes with his saliva, but Cheng Yan didn't seem to feel anything at all, looking like a knight vowing to defend the tower to the death.  Looks like a little princess.

    ¡°Little Jiang Xi is not like Jiang Xi, who is born with a sense of alienation, but loves to laugh very much. When he smiles, the little pear dimples on both sides are so sweet.  Cheng Yan likes to gently tug his daughter's face every time.

    Jiang Xi once jokingly asked: "What if my daughter has a little boy she likes?"

    "That must be a wolf in sheep's clothing."

    ¡°What if someone likes our daughter?¡±


    "Have you ever thought that your daughter will marry someone else?"

    "Oh, the cabbage was eaten by the pig."

    Jiang Xi said: "This is how my dad felt when he first found out about us:) It's exactly the same."

    Of course, with a mother like Jiang Xi, little Jiang Xi has become the envy of everyone.

    Many children nowadays have been tinkering with cosmetics since they were young. When other children are thinking about how to save money on stationery every day, they only eat instant noodles for lunch and apply them secretly until they arrive at Xiao Jiang Xi¡¯s home.  Inside - a cabinet full of dazzling things, arranged in order from type to color.

    A little girl¡¯s paradise!

    Especially every time I hold a parent-teacher meeting, I sit next to a group of women who are worried about their children doing well in exams, or among mothers who are in a hurry to get off work or finish shopping. Jiang Xi is like a student going to a parent-teacher meeting for the first time.  , the teacher thought that Xiao Jiang Xi had asked his cousin to replace him.

    The highest point of envy came from the first parent-child conference.

    The other children were taught by their parents not to run around and jump around, but little Jiang Xi was already carried by Cheng Yan.

    These parents look like they came out of comics.

    There is a little girl who also wrote in her weekly diary:

    I want to study hard and hope that the man I love in the future will be as handsome as Xiao Jiang Xi¡¯s father!

    Late at night, little Jiang Xi was lying on the bed, looking at the twinkling stars outside, and turned to his father and said, "Dad, the stars are so beautiful."

    Cheng Yan kissed her plump forehead and said softly:

    "Actually, in my father's heart, there is also a night sky with two of the most shining stars."

    "One is for mother and one is for you."

    ¡°That¡¯s the most beautiful scenery I¡¯ve ever seen.¡±


    It¡¯s over in Jinjiang.

    Promise that National Day will not be forgotten

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