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Chapter 3498 Happy Ending

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    At this time, the female boss hurriedly said: "Mrs. Yun, I still treasure all the poems you wrote for me. Since we are so destined today, can you send me another poem and I'll treat all of you to it?  Tangyuan, how about it?"

    "Ah, I have to write poetry again" Yun Ruoyue weakly held her forehead.

    It has been several years since she recited a poem!

    Xing'er hurriedly came up and said expectantly: "Mom, just write a poem for us. I also want to hear your poem."

    "Yes, madam, today is the Lantern Festival. Can you write a poem about the Lantern Festival and give it to me? I will definitely treasure it." the proprietress prayed.

    Seeing that the landlady really loves poems, Yun Ruoyue said: "Okay then! Then I will just compose one!"

    "Wow, did you hear that? There is a young lady here who is going to compose a poem. Come and listen quickly." At this time, the diners next to her shouted excitedly.

    Immediately, many people gathered around and stared at Yun Ruoyue expectantly.

    Seeing this scene, Yun Ruoyue helplessly raised her forehead.

    Chu Xuanchen looked at her lovingly, his eyes full of smiles.

    At this time, Xing'er blinked her big black eyes and said with a smile: "Mom, look, there are so many people surrounding you, please show us your skills!"

    "Okay then!" Yun Ruoyue shook her head with a smile, then looked at the lanterns around her and said, "Fire trees and silver flowers are closing together, and the iron locks of the star bridge are unlocked. The dark dust follows the horses, and the bright moon follows people. All the tricksters are here.  Li, all the plum blossoms are falling when you sing. Jinwu can't help the night, and the jade leaks don't rush each other."

    "Okay, good poem." As soon as she finished speaking, everyone immediately clapped their hands.

    At this time, several literati and poets pulled back their beards and said happily: "Everyone, have you noticed that the poems written by this lady are really good, just like our Princess Li back then, they are all talented women!"

    "Yes, I remember that the reputation of Princess Li as a talented woman was spread all over the world, and this lady is also very powerful. This shows that there are many outstanding women in our Chu country, and there are really many talents!"

    "Speaking of Princess Li, she has now become a virtuous queen, and our emperor is a wise ruler. He has only been on the throne for three years, but he has already made outstanding achievements and made outstanding contributions. Only with the emperor and the queen here can our country of Chu become like this.  Stable and prosperous.¡±

    "Yes! We have a good life today thanks to them!"

    Hearing the compliments from these people, Yun Ruoyue lowered her head shyly, while Chu Xuanchen looked at her deeply, his eyes filled with smiles.

    At this time, the proprietress came over and said happily: "Madam, you are really fast at composing poems. You are still as good as before. You are well-spoken and have beautiful artistic conception. You are very powerful."

    "What the hell, boss lady, you are so ridiculous!" Yun Ruoyue shook her head humbly.

    The landlady said: "Madam, you are so humble. Madam, since you have composed the poem, please sit down quickly and we will treat you to rice dumplings."

    With that said, she quickly moved stools for Yun Ruoyue and the others.

    The male boss quickly went to cook glutinous rice balls.

    "Thank you." Yun Ruoyue said, pulling Chu Xuanchen and the others to sit down.

    Soon, the boss lady brought the cooked glutinous rice balls to everyone.

    ??We gathered around a table and ate the sweet and delicious glutinous rice balls on the table, which represented reunion. We were all very happy.

    At this moment, Nanfeng suddenly approached Chu Xuanchen and Yun Ruoyue and whispered: "Father, Emperor, Mother, I just heard the people praising you. Don't worry, I will definitely praise you to Father and Queen."  Study hard and strive to be a useful person to the country."

    "I also want to learn from my father, emperor and mother." Xiao Xing'er next to her heard this and said in a low voice.

    Hearing what the two children said, Chu Xuanchen and Yun Ruoyue were very pleased.

    Chu Xuanchen looked at the children and smiled softly: "Okay, Nanfeng, Xing'er, you two are so good, you are such good children."-

    After the group finished eating glutinous rice balls, Chu Xuanchen asked Mo Li to quietly leave a piece of silver.

    Then, they came to the street and started visiting the lantern festival.

    At this time, only the sound of "bang bang bang" fireworks was heard all around.

    Everyone looked up and saw many fireworks blooming in all directions.

    Those fireworks were of various shapes and colors, rising gracefully into the sky and exploding in the sky, turning the whole world into a fiery scene.

    The people immediately exclaimed: "Wow, these fireworks are so beautiful!"

    "Yes, it's so beautiful." Yun Ruoyue said, with a smile on her face.

    At this time, Moli walked towards her and whispered: "Madam, these are the fireworks specially prepared for you by the Emperor. Do you like them?  "

    "What? It was Xuan Chen who prepared it?" Yun Ruoyue said, quickly looking at Chu Xuanchen and found that he was looking at her lovingly.

    She immediately lowered her head, her face turned red!

    At this time, Chu Xuanchen walked up to Yun Ruoyue and handed her a little rabbit lantern, "Yue'er, look at it, do you like this lantern?"

    Yun Ruoyue raised her eyes and saw the cute little rabbit lantern. She had a look of joy on her face, "Xuanchen, where did you get the lantern? It's so cute."

    "I asked Mo Zhu to buy it just now. Come and give it to you, madam." Chu Xuanchen said.

    "Thank you, I like it very much." Yun Ruoyue took the lantern and looked at it with admiration.

    Chu Xuanchen chuckled and said, "Madam, do you still remember the mushroom lantern I gave you back then?"

    "Of course I remember, that lantern was so cute back then, as cute as this one." Yun Ruoyue said with a smile.

    "Well, madam, as long as you like it, look, there are a lot of fireworks." Chu Xuanchen said, pointing to the fireworks blooming in the sky.

    Yun Ruoyue quickly looked up and saw that there were more and more fireworks in the sky, becoming more and more beautiful, looking lively and festive.

    The common people have not seen so many fireworks for a long time, and everyone watched excitedly, with happy smiles on their faces.

    Nan Feng, Xing'er, Mo Li, Mo Zhu and others rushed to the river. Everyone looked at these fireworks, marveled at them, and were very happy.

    Such a prosperous age is really good.

    At this time, Chu Xuanchen stood under a blazing red lantern, looking at Yun Ruoyue lovingly, "Yue'er, you are so beautiful, I love you."

    With that said, he gently held Yun Ruoyue's face and kissed her pink lips.

    Being kissed suddenly by him, Yun Ruoyue was a little nervous, for fear of being seen by others.

    But when she saw that everyone's attention was on the fireworks, she boldly put her arms around Chu Xuanchen's neck and responded to his kiss tenderly.

    After a while, Chu Xuanchen let go of Yun Ruoyue and stared at her affectionately, "Yue'er, I love you for the rest of my life. We should always be so happy and live happily, okay?"

    "Well, husband, I love you too, and we will definitely be happy forever." Yun Ruoyue said, leaning her head into Chu Xuanchen's arms.

    Chu Xuanchen hugged her tightly, and the two of them looked at the fireworks in the sky, their faces full of love and happiness.

    At this moment, Yun Ruoyue suddenly vomited uncomfortably.

    Chu Xuanchen immediately said worriedly: "Yue'er, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way?"

    Yun Ruoyue lowered her head shyly and said softly: "II think I have it!"

    "Really? So, I'm going to be a father again?" Chu Xuanchen said, already hugging Yun Ruoyue, with a happy face.

    Seeing Chu Xuanchen as happy as a child, Yun Ruoyue's face was also very sweet.

    In this life, it is her greatest luck and happiness to be able to marry and start a family with him and have children.

    She hopes that they will always be so happy, and that the Chu country will always be peaceful and prosperous.

    She believes that through their efforts, all this will be achieved.

    (Full text completed)

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