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Chapter 1821 Seal the world for 100,000 years!  (end)

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    "Nie Tian!"

    At this moment, countless eyes were focused on him!


    Suddenly, the most powerful beings in the world screamed.

    They just stared at Nie Tian in front of them. After a little longer, they felt their eyes stinging and their minds became confused.

    It¡¯s like, to understand the principles they studied, it gives rise to a feeling of being obscure and elusive.

    Looking at Nie Tian is like looking up at the great road, like worshiping the law.

    That is an extremely mysterious realization.

    Zhao Shanling was in trouble, and his dark pupils suddenly sunk deep like black holes.

    In the pupils of his eyes, a very deep black light suddenly lit up.

    Just a moment!

    Zhao Shanling was shaken violently, and with a slightly embarrassed posture, he screamed: "Origin! It's still the origin of darkness!"

    Reincarnated as a human race, after awakening the mark of the soul, he absorbed the dark demonic energy into his Dantian and forged the demonic elixir. He does not need dark blood to smell the scent of the origin of darkness.

    Nie Tian¡¯s body, or rather his soul, and bloodline, clearly contained the aura of the origin of darkness.

    This made him confused and gave birth to an illusion, "Nie Tian, ??youwith its help, you used the dark road to become the Supreme?"

    Beside Nie Tian, ??there were black turtles, violent behemoths, and even the smell of darkness emitted by the five evil gods.

    Those, original bloodlines correspond to darkness.

    Zhao Shanling also mistakenly believed that the darkness in the chaos might have given up on Dong Li and instead created Nie Tian, ??becoming another king of darkness.

    "Heh, are you going to read it again?"

    Nie Tian smiled slightly, and the aura escaping from his body changed instantly.

    His body, which has not shown its original body, is sometimes covered with bright stars, sometimes shining with golden light, sometimes as cold as ice, sometimes as if time energy is flowing, and sometimes as if there are tiny spaces opened up in the acupuncture points in the body.  ¡­

    This is a more complete change than the original Lord Qianmo.

    All the powerful human beings present looked at Nie Tian blankly, feeling a little lost.

    Among them, there are those like Yuan Jiuchuan who cultivate the Thunder Road, there are those like You Qimiao who cultivate the power of fire and ice, and there are also Zu Guangyao who understand the truth of the stars.

    But almost everyone sensed in Nie Tian the path they had pursued all their lives!

    It seemed as if the Nie Tian in front of them was their ultimate path!

    "Why is this happening? Why?"

    "Impossible! It is impossible to concentrate so many attribute auras in one person, and each one corresponds to the origin, which is the strongest of Tao!"

    "I must have had a delusion!"

    Those strong men from the divine and holy realms of the human race murmured as if they were heartbroken.

    "Little Lord!"

    Thunder Demon Yuan Jiuchuan, with blazing eyes, shouted: "I owe everything I have today to Young Master. Young Master, you don't agree with the leader's proposal, but do you have other ideas?"

    As soon as this statement came out, everyone who was talking about it suddenly returned to reality.

    They force themselves to stop thinking about the insights they just had, and look at them momentarily.

    Stay below the eighth level, the alien people above the cut, so as to ensure the supreme status of the human race, is the policy of destroying Xinghai Qinyao. It is also the strategy that they agree with the consent after their weighing.

    "All races, return to the human world. The human world is the destination of the human race. As for the ruin world and the spiritual world, the human race will not be allowed to set foot in the world for a hundred thousand years." Nie Tian said indifferently.




    The powerful men of the four ancient sects suddenly exploded, and Brahma Tianze almost jumped away.

    However, when they saw behind Nie Tian, ??Yin Xingtian, Yu Suying, Xue Lingzi, as well as the violent behemoth, the black turtle and the five evil gods, they all calmed down again.

    "Young Master, you?" Yuan Jiuchuan was also stunned.

    "Nie Tian!" Zhao Shanling couldn't help but be happy, "Why?"

    The Demon Clan, White Bone Clan and Wraith Clan members in the Ruins Realm are also at a loss.

    "This is the new rule. Whether you agree with it or not, that's it." Nie Tian said calmly.

    As soon as these words were spoken, a huge change occurred!

    Those who poured into the Ruins Realm, dispersed in the territories of the Demon Clan, the Ghost Clan, and the Bone Clan, plundered spiritual materials, and burned, killed, and looted the refiners of the second-rate sects.?, the best of the human race seemed to be beguiled by Nie Tian's words, and took the initiative to enter the cracked space gaps.

    It just disappeared.

    "Zhao Shanling, you can choose whether he is a human or a demon. Once you choose, you cannot change it," Nie Tiandao said.

    "I will stay in the Xu Realm." Zhao Shanling expressed his position. He knew that once this decision was made, it could not be changed for a hundred thousand years.

    "Okay." Nie Tian nodded.

    "What have you become?" Mo Heng said.

    Yin Xingtian and Zhao Shanling both looked at him blankly.

    "What did it become?" Nie Tian was stunned. "I can't tell. It may be the final maker of the rules of heaven and earth, the collection of all original consciousnesses. I am also looking for the answer."

    ¡°Let¡¯s all go back on our own.¡±

    He shouted softly, and Yin Xingtian, Yu Suying and others went to the human world.

    The five evil gods are staying in the ruins world.

    The Great Lord Yama and the Flame Dragon Agas went to the spirit world.

    The violent behemoth and the black turtle surfaced in the Star-Destroying Sea and the Death Star Sea respectively, the most terrifying areas.

    Nie Tian went to the spirit world.

    He appeared in the realm of the Wood Clan in the spiritual world. As soon as he fell into it, all the withered plants, spiritual grasses, and trees miraculously sprouted again.

    Because of his arrival, the realm of the Wood Clan has regained its vitality.

    In the spiritual world, miraculously, as if time and space were reversed, complex and chaotic energies of all kinds emerge again from the vast sea of ????stars, and those energies can be absorbed by the stars in the realm.

    The return of the energy of heaven and earth rekindles the vitality of thousands of stars in the realm.

    "In one hundred thousand years, I hope you will stand in front of the human race in a new way and be qualified for a direct dialogue." Nie Tian whispered softly, "In one hundred thousand years, the two worlds will be unsealed!"

    ??The souls of all the former strongest aliens, human beings and gods, no matter where they are, have heard this voice.  (Remember the website address:
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