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    "There is no way." Pangu replied, without any thinking or hesitation, Nian En's hope was dashed.

    Seeing Nian En¡¯s desperate expression, the little white fox couldn¡¯t bear it. She whispered: ¡°Let¡¯s go look for it. Maybe, maybe there is an accident?¡±

    Nian En's feet seemed to be nailed by nails, and it took a long time to move away. She glanced at Pangu, and then left without looking back. Of course, he didn't want to find Gong Qian's soul by himself. After all, he was the one who  The man who occupied the magpie's nest made Nian En hate Pangu even more deeply.

    Yaizhen wanted to accompany Nian En and the others, but Pangu stopped him. He was a little confused. After Nian En and the others left, Pangu sighed deeply, looking very helpless, as if Nian En  He misunderstood him quite a lot, but he didn't want to tell Nian En before he was sure about some things.

    "You also want Gong Qian to come back?" Pangu calmly sat down where Nian En had just sat and asked Yaizhen.

    "Yes." Yaizhen admitted without hesitation. For Gong Qian, he was disgusted with it at the beginning, but later gradually appreciated and accepted it. In addition, Gong Qian was still someone Nian En cared about so much. Naturally, he hoped that Gong Qian could  After returning, even at this time, the relationship between Gong Qian and Pangu was very subtle.

    There was a wave of emotion in Pangu's eyes. He couldn't tell what the emotion was. After a long time, he smiled mockingly to himself. It seemed that he was not as important as a mortal, whether it was to Nian'en or to Yaizhen, but in his own heart  It is clear that things like gods only become important when mortals need protection.

    It¡¯s just that I was a little disappointed. Pangu thought for a while, and then he said to Yaizhen: "Do you know where the Earth Wolf clan disappeared before? Where is their lair?"

    The wolf demon and their lair?  Yaizhen was a little confused about Pangu's meaning. Besides, the wolf demon clan had been exterminated by Zhulong for a long time. Now that place might be deserted. Why go there?

    "Take me there." Pangu stood up, patted his clothes, and wiped away some of the rainwater that had just been stained.


    After Nian En and Little White Fox left Xifeng Town, they suddenly remembered that they seemed to be unable to find the way to the underworld. The entrance to the Ksitigarbha Forest was not fixed. Nian En scratched his head for a long time, and finally stood at a fork in the road.  She was confused and wanted to find someone, but she couldn't find the way.

    At this moment, the little white fox keenly discovered the light in the distance, which looked a little dim in the drizzle, but it was definitely not the figure of a monster. She reminded Nian En: "Nian En, over there."

    Nian En glanced at the distance. The white light circled the sky, and finally flew farther away. Nian En's expression was startled. She felt that this light was so familiar, as if she had seen it before.

    "It's Nuwa!" The little white fox reacted before Nian En. Her sense of spiritual power is more sensitive than Nian En.

    After being reminded by the little white fox, Nian En suddenly remembered why he was familiar with it. It was indeed Nuwa's light. Nian En could sense some of that familiar spiritual power even from a long distance away. After Pangu was resurrected, Nuwa  Wa should have been resurrected, but she didn't even think of asking where Nu Wa had gone. Zhulong was dead, Ouyang Zi was dead, and everything Nu Wa had to do seemed to have been done by Pangu.

    Nian En and the little white fox immediately chased after them. Unknown to them, in the other direction, Yaizhen and Pangu were also following the light in an unknown direction.

    After a while, Nian En felt that this place was becoming more and more familiar. She looked at the road around her, and then asked the little white fox: "Does it look familiar?"

    "Looks familiar." The little white fox nodded. She remembered that when Nian En was a child, she and Gong Qian returned to the wolf clan's lair together. Later, she, Bi Fang and the others came to find Nian En. It was here that they took Nian En back.  After that time, Gong Qian was never seen again until they met again many years later.

    Isn¡¯t this the way to the wolf demon¡¯s lair?  The little white fox was as confused as Nian En.

    Why is Nuwa here?  Nian En's heart was beating hard, maybe because this was the place where Gong Qian grew up. Nian En took every step carefully, for fear of missing something. Finally, she stopped at a dilapidated ancestral hall.  The place where she had seen Xuan Qing.

    "Yai Sui?" Nian En opened his eyes wide in shock, watching Yai Sui's figure flash past in the ancestral hall, not only Yai Sui, but also Pangu.

    What are they doing here?  Nian En and the little white fox followed immediately. After approaching the ancestral hall, Nian En's feelings for Nu Wa became stronger and stronger. Is Nu Wa inside?  She originally wanted to go in and see what was going on, but for some reason she heard Pangu's voice.With a strange light, the smile on his lips gradually deepened: "Do you remember the heavy snow in winter?"

    Heavy snow?  Nian En nodded. She first knew that when Pangu woke up, it was a snowy day. She and Pangu walked a long way in the snow, and the sudden ice and snow due to the opening of the Nine Nether Abyss was very cold.

    "You will see me every winter, as long as it snows." Pangu's voice gradually became softer. What was he thinking at this time?  He didn't know it himself, he just looked at the blurry sunshine and felt that if he told Nian En, he would exist in every corner of the world, and Nian En would think of him often.

    Narcissism, Pangu felt that he was really narcissistic to the end, and that he might be so narcissistic in his imagination.

    Gradually, Nian En stopped hearing Pangu¡¯s voice, and white light began to fill her side and enveloped Gong Qian¡¯s body.

    Even in the silence, Nian En felt a little empty in her heart. She didn't know what Nuwa was doing now, but she subconsciously looked up and looked around, trying to find any trace of Pangu.

    "Okay." Suddenly, Nuwa's voice sounded. She was also a little tired. Gong Qian was lying on the cold ground. His body temperature was gradually rising. He would wake up soon. She glanced at Nian En and the others.  Nian En and the others answered and left incarnate. After Pangu fell asleep, there was no point in her staying here. There were still many things that needed her to do.

    Nian'en and Yaizhen stood in the yard. After a while, Nianen realized what she was doing and hurried over to help Gong Qian up. She was a little unable to do what she wanted. Finally, Yaizhen helped Gong Qian up, and then the little white fox carried him back.  Nian En was frightened all the way, and even felt like it was a dream.

    "Gong Qian." As soon as she returned to the old cave, Nian En felt that Gong Qian seemed to be moving. She looked nervously at the man lying on the stone bed. Her heart was beating violently and could not calm down. She was suddenly afraid that if  What would happen if Gong Qian didn't wake up? Nuwa left directly without telling her what to do if something went wrong.

    Gong Qian moved for a moment and then stopped, so Nian En had to stand by sadly. At this time, Bifang came in from the outside. He turned into a human form. He didn't know that Pangu had left yet. When he saw Gong Qian,  Qian was lying unconscious on the bed, extremely surprised, but then he changed into an unhappy look: "Someone is here."

    Who makes Bi Fang so unhappy?  Nian En distracted himself and asked Bi Fang: "Who?"

    Before Bi Fang had time to answer, a figure walked in from outside. Nian En held Gong Qian's hand and was so frightened that he immediately let go. His face was embarrassed. The person standing in front of her was En Xi.

    After being embarrassed, Nian En couldn't help but feel happy. En Xizheng didn't know how to say hello to Nian En, but saw Nian En rushing towards her: "Sister!"

    Enxi's body stiffened. She looked at Gong Qian lying on the stone bed, her expression a little complicated, but then she became relieved again. Maybe the thing she couldn't get after spending so much effort didn't belong to her in the first place.  , after dying once, many things seemed to have come to mind.

    "I'm here to take you back. I told my parents they are all waiting for you." Enxi's tone was still a little awkward, but it no longer had the hatred it once had. It was very gentle, as if it was a different person.  Same as people.

    "Now?" Nian En let go of En Xi and took a few steps back to the stone bed, feeling a little embarrassed: "But I still want to wait for Gong Qian to wake up -"

    Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed Nian'en's hand. She lowered her head in shock. Those sharp-jointed hands grabbed her wrist. They were slightly strong, but seemed extremely gentle. She met a pair of cold eyes.  , Gong Qian smiled slightly: "How about I go with you?"

    Maybe this is the best way. With Gong Qian accompanying her, she no longer has to worry about where she goes, and she has great courage in whatever she does. After Nian En was stunned, her big eyes revealed joy, and she put her hands on  In Gong Qian's hand, let's keep going like this, no matter what kind of wind and rain there are.  (Remember the website address:
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